Published by Deep Silver, Sacred 3 is a hack'n'slash that will put you in control of one of the five heroes available in the game to fight the empire of Zane Ashen and win the battle of Ancaria. Based on cooperation, the game places you in a group of four heroes where mutual aid will be necessary to defeat the forces of evil. Face grimmocks, mercenaries or even undead wizards to develop your skills and form the strongest team possible. Stuck on a success? Come and discover our walkthrough!
Welcome to Ancaria - 15G
Complete the Tier 1 mission.
The end of the journey - 15G
Complete all Rank 2 missions.
Sacred Ancaria - 30G
Complete all main missions on Legendary difficulty.
Sacred Savior - 90G
Complete all main missions on God difficulty.
Cultivate Talents - 15G
Maximize a tree of equipment, talents or fights (your choice).
Perfectionist - 30G
Fully upgrade all gear, talent, and combat trees.
Overequipped - 90G
Unlock all item upgrades.
In the blink of an eye - 30G
Defeat a large enemy with a single hit using a smart bomb.
Ding! - 10G
Go up a level.
Regular - 15G
Reach level 10 with any character.
Experienced - 30G
Reach level 30 with any character.
Veteran - 90G
Reach level 50 with any character.
Couch Party - 15G
Complete a main mission in local co-op.
Party like it's 1999 - 30G
Complete all main missions in local co-op.
Connected - 15G
Complete a main mission with three other players.
Online Master - 15G
Complete all main missions with three other players.
Lead by example - 30G
Complete a Main Mission with the highest score with three other players.
Tons of damage - 15G
Achieve the highest multiplier on a damage combo.
Who are you going to call? - 90G
Break the shield of all ghostly orbs and destroy them in a single phase.
All for one - 15G
Use your Warpriest 10 times.
Bodyguard - 15G
Interrupt 5 enemies while they are targeting another player.
Doctor! - 15G
Revive all other players in a four-player game.
Silence - 15G
Stop the Nameless Demon.
Group Hug - 30G
Kill 8 grimmock-sized enemies in a single attack.
Combat Training - 15G
Use your combat skills 80 times in N'Aquali in a single game
Judge, juror and executioner - 30G
Execute five enemies in a row.
Too close - 15G
Die from an explosive object.
Multi Culture - 15G
Complete a mission with four characters from different cultures in co-op mode.
Introllable - 30G
Kill a Troll without being hit by it once in single player mode.
Zane's Drama - 30G
Defeat Zane's final form in under 30 seconds.
Tap water - 15G
Complete Khorad Basin with a purity rating of 70% or higher.
Sophia's Blood - 15G
Complete Icecreek Shrine with the Seraphim.
Seal - 15G
Complete Vorios with the Safiri.
Long Live the Resistance - 15G
Complete Greyveil with the Ancarian.
Relaxed - 15G
Complete the Enigmar Fortress with the Khukuri.
Ashen in ashes - 15G
Defeat Zane Ashen.
Girls night out - 15G
Complete a mission with four female characters in online co-op mode.
Revenge of the Fallen - 15G
Complete Braverock with the Malakhim.
The Shadow Lord - 30G
Reach level 50 with the Malakhim.
Purged - 30G
Defeat the Black Seraphim.
Cleansing - 15G
Complete all side missions in the Underworld story.