With the mid-season update recently rolled out to Call of Duty Warzone, players now have a new weapon of mass destruction at their disposal that can descend on Verdansk by triggering the bombardment containment protocol that activates. via a terminal in the bunkers. In this guide we explain how you can activate the bombardment during a game of Battle Royale, if you manage to do it before being eliminated by another player, then you will be able to summon a barrage of missiles that will not leave no chance to other players who are in the contagion zone allowing you to land multiple kills in seconds if you are lucky. Explanation !
How to get the Bombardment Perk in Call of Duty Warzone:
To activate Warzone's Bombardment protocol, you must play in Royal Battle mode (solo, duo, trio, etc.), you will not be able to trigger a bombardment if you play in "looting" mode, you should know that! Here are the steps.
Step 1 → first start by going to the contagion zone on Verdansk. As of this writing, the zombies are in the city of Downtown. But when you check this article, it is possible that they have moved like since the start of the current season. Anyway, they are very easy to locate since a marker on the map lets you know where they are. If when you open your map you see three bloody red claw marks, then the wave of zombies is right there!
Step 2 → locate the machine that spawns zombies in the area and survive the wave. The last zombie you kill will drop a yellow access card that will allow you to open a golden supply crate that is in the same zombie wave spawn area.
Step 3 → By opening the supply crate, you will necessarily find a purple card which has the name “protocol access key” (containment surveillance object). You must imperatively pick up this object and keep it carefully with you until you go to one of the three destinations that we are going to give you.
Step 4 → Go to one of the three silos / bunkers, the one in Park, Hills or the military base. There you will find a computer that you can interact with "the containment monitoring station" which will allow you to buy several equipment like the gas mask, the RC-XD, a self-resuscitation kit, the armor box, equipment drop marker, improved drone or prescience. If you have the zombie wave card, you will also be able to activate the "Bombardment" containment protocol.
How Warzone's bombardment protocol works:
The bombardment always hits the same place, you cannot choose the area where it will hit. This place is always close to the area where the zombies appear on the map. Once triggered, the bombardment strikes the area within thirty seconds. All players caught in the range will be eliminated and sent to the Gulag. There is no escape from the bombardment unless you hide in a building in time.
Be careful, if you are playing in a group, only the player who has the “protocol access key” on him can trigger the “bombardment” containment protocol. On the other hand, the other players can interact with the machine of one of the three bunkers to obtain the combat improvements that we have indicated to you previously, but they will not be able to use the bombardment.
Now that you know about this powerful weapon of mass destruction that has been added to the Battle Royale mode of Call of Duty Warzone, we strongly advise you not to go to zombie zones if the game has already started for several minutes if you don't want to fall victim to a bombardment that won't give you a chance. Remember again that the Bombardment protocol is only possible in Battle Royale mode and that it is not possible to trigger it if you are playing in “looting” mode.