By playing on the MAP Nine (IX) of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 zombies mode, you will be able to unlock two special weapons by following a whole path, namely the death of Orion and the kiss of Serket. If you don't know how to get these two weapons on the IX map, we will explain to you through this page the step-by-step that will lead you there.
To follow this guide, you will need to know the method of activating the sacred punch machine. If you don't know how to improve your weapons with the sacred punch, we invite you first to follow our complete guide for improving weapons here:
- Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Guide Where Is The Sacred Punch Machine And How To Activate It On Map Nine (IX).
✩ Note: This step is very important, because it's the sacred punch that will ultimately transform Orion's dead gun into Serket's kiss.
Another step is equally important to follow this guide, you must complete at least three challenges from one of the arena challenge banners to make a cauldron appear in the middle of the arena on the pillar. These three challenges will also allow you to get a free upgraded weapon that does quite a bit of damage.
→ You can read all about Arena IX challenge banners here:
- Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Tip Get The Improved Discord Pistol On Map IX (Nine).
CoD Black Ops 4 Zombies IX the complete guide to get Orion's Death and Serket's Kiss:
Once the sacred punch machine is activated in the temple, you must collect two items from the same room as the weapon enhancer. A chain and a gear that you can pick up by holding down the action button. Just go around the room, you will find the chain hanging on a wall in one corner and the gear lying on the ground in another corner of the temple.
Then leave this place and go to the entrance of the temple of Dana-Râ. There you will see a sort of window with hanging torches. You will have to shoot your weapon to bring down the flaming cauldron that can be seen in the background and which is placed on a small pillar.
If you manage to knock it down, then you will see flames rising to the sky. After this step you must head towards the stone bridge which is between the altar of Dana and the altar of Ra. Looking from the stone bridge in the direction of the arena, you will see on the ground an arrow of fire taking shape which will point to one of the four altars, that of Ra, that of Dana, Zeus or that of Odin.

Depending on the altar pointed by the arrow of fire, you will have to recover an object. Here is the list of possible places depending on the orientation of the fire arrow. Always look at the top left of your screen when entering a room to find out where you are.
- If the arrow points to Ra's side, you must descend below the altar in Ra's tower: the burial chamber. You will see in the center a coffin of pharaohs and a bowl of fire in the corner of the wall on the left. It is next to this vase of fire that you can retrieve a statue head on the ground.
- If the arrow points to the Altar of Dana, you need to go to the basement where there are the two trees in the tower of Dana Arboretum, you will find the statue head in a puddle between the two trees.
- If the arrow points to the Altar of Zeus, once again go to the basement of the area, in the Tower of Zeus the public baths, you will see a bathroom and curtains, the object to be recovered is here in the left corner of the baths.
- If the arrow points towards the temple of Odin, it's very simple you will find the head of the statue right next to a large cauldron in the tower of Odin: Cauldron.

From here, if you followed our story with the challenge banners at the beginning of the guide, you will see a huge heated pose in the center of the arena on the pillar. You must pick up this cauldron and then go build the acid trap at the entrance to Ra's tower.
You will see on the wall at the entrance a skull and crossbones which will allow you to build the trap. Between the alley of the arena and the entrance to the tower of Ra, you will also see on the ground a small sewer grid, here you must drop the head of the statue on the ground by holding the action key . Once the statue's head is on the ground, you just need to activate the acid trap in the same place where you built it by activating the skull on the wall.
You will then see the cauldron picked up previously in the center of the arena poured acid on the head of the statue on the ground which will allow you to recover a small sculpture in the shape of a scorpion.

From here, this is the most complicated step in the guide. You will have to go to the center of the arena and hold several rounds there until you manage to raise the affinity of the crowd to the maximum. You can gain favor with the crowd by getting headshots and knife kills, which will send the crowd into a frenzy. Be careful, each time you are hit by fire on the ground, your affinity counter goes down!
You can see the audience's affinity close to your point counter at the bottom left of the screen. If the little skeletal hand has a thumbs up, then you're succeeding in winning the favor of the crowd, if on the contrary it's red and down, you're failing to please. to the crowd.
✩ Tip – whenever you see your earned points appearing in green next to your character meter, it means your mob affinity meter is increasing.
If you manage to hold a full round with the audience affinity at its maximum in the arena, then the priest will speak and tell you "here is Serket's present". You will then see an object land in the pit of the arena, it is the jar of Serket which you will have to take with the sculpture of the scorpion in the tower of Dana: Arboretum where you will see two trees. One of the two trees has a location where you can place the scorpion sculpture. Then just put the jar at the foot of the tree to collect the sap of the tree which is actually poison.
You'll have to hold an extra round against the zombies to see the jar fully fill with poison from the tree pouring through the scorpion's structure. Once the jar is filled and collected, look for the mystery box on the map (you know the box that gives a random weapon) and look on the left side of this famous box. You will see the message "hold the action key to poison the mystery box".
Do it and the next weapon you will get from the mystery box will necessarily be the death of Orion. You will then only have to go to the temple in the temple room to transform the death of Orion into the Kiss of Serket weapon in exchange for 5000 points.
Well done ! you have completed this guide, you just have to enjoy the remaining rounds with your powerful toy. By following this guide, you will unlock the "Gift of Serket" trophy/achievement which consists of obtaining the "Kiss of Serket" and even the "Constellation Prize" trophy/achievement by eliminating 9 zombies with a single uncharged shot with the death of Orion.