You may not know this, but in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 map "Nine" or "IX" you can have an upgraded weapon right from the start without even using the Sacred Punch machine. This is the Discord pistol that turns into Z-Harmony if you complete a series of mini challenges.
If you don't know this Call of Duty Black Ops 4 MAP Nine (IX) cheat, you'll find all the details you need to know about it below.
How to get the Improved Discord Pistol with Challenge Banners:
When you start a game in the Coliseum of Black Ops 4 Zombies map "IX", look around. You will see 4 banners tied by a rope all around the arena. Did you know you can cut those ropes with your knife? Choose a banner, approach it and cut the rope with your knife for the "challenge banner" to unfold.
You will then see on the left side of your screen a challenge appear. You only need to complete three challenges to get the upgraded Discord (Z-Harmony) gun. Each time you complete a challenge, just go to the center of the arena and collect your reward from one of the flaming vases.
✩ Info: On one of the arena walls, you can reload the ammo of your Z-Harmony weapon for 4500 points.
Note that in addition to obtaining the improved discord pistol (Z-Harmony), you can also obtain "double points", "max ammo" type bonuses and even obtain the "titan" weapon after a certain period of time. .
From now on, when playing zombie map IX (Nine) in CoD Black ops 4, remember to activate a challenge banner from the start to get rewards throughout your game. You can also find out how to activate the Sacred Punch Machine here: Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Guide Where Is The Sacred Punch Machine And How To Activate It On Map Nine (IX).