We are very close to the release of the next production of the Asobo studio, the action-adventure and Infiltration game, A Plague Tale Requiem. This is the sequel to A Plague Tale Innocence. Knowing this, you might come to wonder if it is necessary to have completed the Innocence opus before embarking on Requiem. A completely legitimate question given that we find there as main characters Amicia & Hugo.
Do you have to have played the game A Plague Tale Innocence to enjoy A Plague Tale Requiem:
Like most sequels, it is actually quite possible to enjoy the game without necessarily having done its predecessor since the adventure will follow its own plot which takes place some time after the events that took place in Innocence. We can also imagine that a summary of the events of the previous events will be presented to the players at the start of the game... On the other hand, from our point of view, the Innocence episode is essential, because it made it possible to introduce the characters, to understand the ties that unite them.
The first game also introduced the basic mechanics of the gameplay with a mix between adventure and infiltration game that we also find in this sequel although this second opus should focus on more intense confrontations since Amicia, for example, has clearly gained in experience since her first adventure with Hugo. So yes, if you want to get off to a good start with Requiem, you should definitely finish the Innocence opus if you have the chance. You will be able to enjoy Requiem even better!
You still have a few days left. It is from October 18, 2022 that it will be possible to discover the new adventures of Amicia & Hugo on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and the Game Pass. Players on Nintendo Switch will also be able to discover the game thanks to a Cloud version.