After many additional discs which have hitherto served more to fill the cabinets of The Sims than anything else, The Sims 2: The Good Deed forgets the discotheques of Crazy Nights and seeks to apply the teachings of the faculty of the Academy expansion to unveil the true days of beings overcome with the famous green emerald. If until then the working days of Sims were for us to see them leave and return by car for a few hours, it is now time to accompany them in their professional ascent.
"Money, too expensive..."
You have redone their interior, socialized them, fed them, educated them and built their family life, but now, after a few generations of Sims, you inevitably start going in circles. Never mind, between two daily managements and a few branchouilles evenings between Sims, we will now have to think about work. Employee, store manager or big boss of a network, it is once again up to you to set the lifestyle of your avatars. If it is especially well suited to fanatics of Will Wright's game who can resume the lives of their Sims where they left off, The Sims 2: The Good Deal could just as well convert players hitherto recalcitrant. Admittedly, it will once again be necessary to assist the members of these families who are not very autonomous, but the new dimension brought by the appearance of their professional life is likely to interest players wishing to gently set foot in the jungle of management games. Indeed, next to the basic functions meeting the primary needs of Sims is now added the consideration of their business. Requiring a substantial starting budget to buy or build your first shops, the game will allow you to have the capital accumulated so far in your previous games or to start from scratch and start at the bottom of the ladder with the status of simple employee and attempt a promotion to gain responsibilities. More risky but much more satisfying once successful, you can above all start by opening your business in front of your home like a flea market and sell your own creations made in the garden workshop as well as old ones. furniture that you no longer want to see in your home.
Fixing the prices of your various goods (neither too low to avoid that customers see only the low end, nor too high to maintain a level of satisfaction), you will then have to manage your stocks, your production, your employees and even ensure the windows and the presentation of your products. You will therefore be able to virtually create jobs and assign tasks to each of your employees according to their skills. Naturally gifted in sales, presentation, collection or production, you too can specialize in a branch and raise the professional skills of your Sims by satisfying and retaining your customers. Once you have the necessary capital in your pocket (even if it means drawing on the money of the children who have set up their lemonade stand in the street), you are therefore ready to open your first shop and ensure sufficient income to support your lifestyle. Like the real world, The Sims 2: La Bon Affaire allows above all to develop its commercial fiber and the most enterprising can even build an industrial empire with chain stores ensuring income for generations to come, and responsible employees allowing you during this time to quietly enjoy a glass of champagne around your swimming pool, in short, the joys of modern and above all virtual capitalism.