Soul Sacrifice Delta is therefore an extended and slightly improved version of the Action-RPG which lit the PS Vita last year, and which you can read the test on this page. Indeed, 99% of the gameplay remains identical to the original and if visually, this Delta version does slightly better thanks to renewed, more detailed environments and smoothed textures, players who have tried Soul Sacrifice should not be upset. . However, it is in the content that Delta makes the difference. Once you have passed the Sorcerer's Trial and the founding event of the game's scenario, you will face three roads instead of one. Indeed, you will not be forced to stay within Avalon, the organization of wizards who hunt monsters to end their ordeal through sacrifice. The Annales des Fous will suggest that you take the path of Sanctuarium, a deviant branch of witchcraft which advocates the salvation of monsters by sparing them, or Grim, a third doctrine between the two others, which prefers to leave things to chance.
With this new script support comes a plethora of new acts and therefore new missions and new monsters and bosses. The background of each of the clans has been meticulously worked on and they all benefit from the same attention in the writing of the script and the dialogues. Which really pushes you to go as far as possible. Special mention for those of Grim, who divert in a deliciously vicious way the creatures of the famous tales (the Three Little Pigs are brilliant). By entering a faction, you will also choose a way to regenerate your offerings (save, sacrifice or let luck) and increase your score and your rewards, but you will also impose additional constraints at times. Thus, to belong to the Sanctuarium, you will have to save all the vile dirt that you will encounter or you will have to start the mission again. And Grim's neutrality logically appears in the Runes. Still on the content side, Marvelous AQL has added a large helping of new offerings that can now be combined one after the other, runes and even Obscure Rites. All this is recorded in the Ars Magica, a kind of encyclopedia to consult in your profile to see a little more clearly.
Finally, always on the new side, Soul Sacrifice Delta adds the Carnatux Tavern to the Librom menu, where you will find several merchants with interesting features. First of all, they will offer you multiple customization possibilities for the appearance of your wizard (which fills one of the big gaps in Soul Sacrifice), they will also allow you to socialize by receiving/offering gifts and by publishing your exploits on Twitter, and they will give you access to Rumors, sort of decisive advantages to be unlocked before the missions. Finally, know that your save from the first game is importable, but only your Magic and Health levels will return to zero in exchange for the precious rumors mentioned above. But even with these aids and an overhauled AI for your allies finally becoming useful, you will sometimes have to roll up your sleeves to face real challenges.