What new stone can this Force Power II bring to the already substantial edifice of Star Wars? The arrival of a new protagonist, Starkiller, in the first installment changed the situation slightly regarding the origin of the Alliance. Offspring collected by Lord Vader, the apprentice Jedi will juggle between the Force and the Dark Side. A simple and basic postulate but which made you want to know more, but the scenario of Star Wars: The Power of the Force II is much less chiadé than its predecessor. Certainly, we find a Darth Vader still paternal wishing to fill the emotional gaps of Starkiller, or should we say one of the clones of the latter. Despite many attempts, each look-alike repeats the same mistakes of the original Jedi, and one of them will take advantage of a moment of Darth Vader's weakness to take to their heels and join the clan of Jedis and rebels. who supported Starkiller in The Power of the Force first of the name. Thus, we will find Master Kota or Juno and even an appearance of Boba Fett which clearly suggests that a sequel will be concocted for us in the months to come. In short, Star Wars: The Power of the Force II ensures the minimum side scenario, which already disappoints compared to the expectations raised by the first opus. It is above all a pretext to put back in the saddle the interesting gameplay of the first part thanks to enjoyable fights against intrepid Stormtroopers and epic lightsaber duels.
The Clone War
Those who have had the opportunity to experience Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be on familiar ground, given that the recipe hasn't changed much in two years. The main interest of the title lies in the possibilities of action offered by the Force generated by a Jedi. Whatever the preferences (bolts of energy to grill as many enemies as possible, projection to collapse anything in front of you or accidental use of enemies and objects as a secondary weapon), you will enjoy yourself and have something to enjoy. your money. You can of course, and that's what makes the charm of the game, mix these three abilities to inflict maximum damage to Vader's minions. Thus, nothing will prevent you from levitating a poor soldier in armor, electrocuting him in the air and swinging him on his comrades to pass the current through the whole assembly. Both offensive and defensive, the actions of our hero are subject to a certain choice to be made, because we must not forget that the enemies always react differently according to their robustness. Facing the Stormtroopers, it will be a cakewalk, but things get tough when the Sith acolytes point the end of their mask. The use of the Force is also their hobby, which is why we will favor melee attacks with the two lightsabers that Starkiller holds. Once again, it will be possible to mix attacks by combining melee attacks and the use of the Force in order to maximize your chances of winning a fight. Not to mention that Starkiller can throw his lightsaber at any time to hit recalcitrant enemies from a distance.
Those who have had the opportunity to experience Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be on familiar ground, as the recipe hasn't changed much in two years."
It will also be an opportunity to see that our Jedi has gained in dexterity since he is able to cut off the limbs of his enemies and sometimes even behead them. But in the euphoria of combat, you must not lose sight of your health gauge. Because if it is possible to defend oneself with the lightsabers and to return certain shots or even rockets, this technique will not be worth tripette. Luckily, Repulsion can still be called upon, a Force-created shockwave that destroys everything around Starkiller. The only new power side is the Jedi cunning. Depending on the environment or the fights, the targeted enemy will jump into the void or will blast their own colleagues. An interesting idea to breathe a few moments and regenerate your health but not very useful because the hijacked enemies are generally not very robust and do not survive very long. Fortunately, you can always increase the power of the various powers of the Force as you earn points in combat and bonuses hidden in the levels. Three upgrades are available for each technique to maximize their power. It goes without saying that the more you increase the difficulty of the game, the more points you collect. And to overcome certain obstacles, you can also combine your sabers with gems that improve health regeneration, your strength gauge (the use of powers is not free), defensive skills or fury which provides power phenomenal for a few seconds. Basically, you can perfect the skills of your Jedi as you wish, even choosing your clothes.
Be a Sith
As you will have understood, the very essence of this Star Wars: The Power of the Force II is the fighting. However, if in 2008, the game was criticized for its repetitive aspect, we cannot say that the series has really evolved on this side. And yet, the illusion is perfect at the start of the game, giving the feeling that we will be able to vary the pleasures during these epic confrontations. One thinks in particular of these fights against the TIE Fighters that must be exploded in full flight using the Force and two AT-STs firmly planted on their two legs, before fleeing at full stride when a gunboat takes you. on the hunt. Intense for sure! Original, everything leads to believe it. Except that from the next level: rebelote! The game pattern is almost identical with its unwelcome QTEs and its sometimes messy sequences where the objectives are not very clear, especially during the titanic fight against the Gorog. This duel is reminiscent of a certain God of War but the rhythm is soft and the duration a little too long. This kind of error is repeated several times during the game and ultimately spoils the overall dynamic. The developers give us this impression of constantly copying and pasting, with the added bonus of a rather limited level design and bestiary. Kamino, Cato Neimoidia, the Deliverance ship and a hint of Dagobah, it's really too little in terms of scenery! To raise the level, the developers have made the effort to offer us a game with improved graphics, perhaps sometimes too colorful. The outdoor environments and the rain are much more convincing than the indoor passages, the corridors in the ships being rather classic, not to say gloomy… Fortunately, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II can boast of offering sumptuous cinematics , linking also dry on the game sequences. Note in passing that the lifespan remains ephemeral since it will take you 5 hours maximum to see the end credits. It's all the more frustrating and annoying because the first installment offered a tougher challenge and a longer and more exciting adventure. We will try as best we can to console ourselves with the “Challenges” mode, but nothing very exciting and we feel that the DLCs will be pouring in in a few weeks…