Doing a dunk in the basket is one of the trophies / achievements that you will have to unlock by playing Stray, the game where you control a stray cat who finds himself projected by force of circumstance into an unknown world far from home. When you arrive in the slums, the robots living there will be fearful and run away when they see you. They take the cat for a Zurk, one of those repulsive creatures that absorb the vital energy of other living species clinging to them like leeches...
Once the misunderstanding has been cleared up, you can begin to freely explore the slums in search of notebooks that will allow you to convince the robots to let you come to the surface. By exploring the slums, you will be able to unlock the “Boom Chat Kalaka” trophy/achievement, which consists of dunking in the basket. This trophy is very simple to achieve, you still need to know how to do it... Here's how to unlock it in your game!
☆ Note – If you need a hand to collect the four notebooks in the slums, take a look at our dedicated guide available here: Stray Walkthrough Find And Obtain The Four Notebooks For Momo In The Slums Chapter.
Where is the basketball to dunk in the basket in the Stray video game:
It's easy, go to the place where the robot who calls himself the “guardian” is located. To its left is the market, the place where you can do some shopping in exchange for cans of energy drinks. Look well above the stairs, you'll see a basketball and an empty trash can right at the foot of the stairs. Now all you have to do is get the cat you control to push the ball into the trash can to score a basket and unlock the “Boom Cat Kalaka” trophy/achievement. If you miss the shot, you can try again by opening the game options and then using the "Reload last checkpoint" function.