Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!

Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!Burn your eyes until they bleed to tame the rough edges of Super Smash Bros. gameplay. 3DS, that's what our weekend was reduced to. Hard to believe for neophytes who only see it as a fighting game for children, which the concept of the game may indeed suggest. But behind the objective of weakening his opponent to better eject him from the combat area, hides a host of subtleties that require dad's tact, especially with such a dense mess.. Invisible at first, the alterations made by the developers become much more obvious once the first ten games have been swallowed, and old habits are finally banished. We think first of all of the edges to which it is no longer possible to hold on as we want. Until now, a character who attempted a recovery when the ledge was already occupied almost always ended up falling into the void. To restore some form of justice in the fights, Sakurai-san decided to revise his copy by allowing the protagonist in the air to crush the one who squats the border. Believe us, it greatly reduces whore blows. Always in this concern to energize the fights of Super Smash Bros. 3DS, the developers have reinforced the game on the ground with combos capable of sending a character to the other end of the screen, which was not always the case in Brawl. We do not reach the exuberance of a Melee either, but this renewed madness in the clashes is accentuated by aerial phases less predominant than in the past. Catching one's breath in the heavens is more laborious, and one is not immune to getting caught in this shower of blows.




Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!To avoid being taken as a traitor, a perfect knowledge of the timings is essential, even if we will observe a form of tolerance in certain attacks. In fact, we had the distinct impression that Smashes were no longer as devastating as before, as if the developers wanted this great mass of fighting to also appeal to laymen. A debatable choice when you're a purist, but the examples can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And hey, the game offers so many possibilities to establish its domination over the bags, that we certainly won't blame it for being accessible and fine at the same time. Moreover, speaking of Smash, after verification, it would indeed seem that the developers have integrated what is called on the Web the Rage Effect. Simply put, the higher the attacker's damage percentage, the higher the knockback (the distance the opponent is cleared after taking a hit) climbs. All things considered, we can compare this system to the "Rage" mode of Tekken 6 for example, although in Super Smash Bros. 3DS the damage inflicted remains the same; no doubt so that the turnarounds are based above all on talent and not providence. Anyway, the objects that burst during the fights are enough nerves. Seeing all his efforts annihilated by a blue shell or a Bullet Bill ends up disgusting, and as the items are more than numerous and the demonic chance, we serve the buttocks each time a capsule lands in the arena.


Always in this concern to energize the fights of Super Smash Bros. 3DS, the developers have reinforced the game on the ground with combos capable of sending a character to the other end of the screen, which was not always the case in Brawl.


Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!Obviously, the cast of the game responds with around fifty playable characters. All the elders are there, from Bower to Donkey Kong via Link, Captain Falcon or even Pikachu. Old veterans who have had the right to a few touch-ups to cure their rheumatism. Nothing groundbreaking, but since priorities don't matter in Super Smash Bros. 3DS, some revisions are needed to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Despite everything, our attention was above all focused on the little new ones that we have been talking about for months. A real curiosity, the Wii Fit coach (available in female and male version) is not to be put in just anyone's hands, in particular because it tends to take a beating badly. It is no coincidence that he is able to heal his wounds and increase the power of his blows by concentrating for a short time, which necessarily exposes him to enemy attacks. Ditto with regard to Mega Man whose low robustness is not suitable for beginners. Nevertheless, the little blue robot compensates for its foam body with powerful projectiles, which allow to adjust those who camp in the distance. We also spent a lot of time on Harmonie who, thanks to the support of her Luma, can harass opponents like it's not allowed, provided you don't get tangled up with the two partners. But it's mostly LittleMac from Punch-Out!! which appealed to us the most. In addition to having a speed of execution well above average, his striking power makes him one of the craziest characters in the game. It's simple: once the gauge of his nuclear right filled to the brim, this one knocks out anyone even with a low percentage of damage. On the other hand, he's a hell of a bunch in the air, and his moldy mastery of recovery makes him the ideal prey as soon as he no longer has his feet on the ground.




Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!We could talk for hours about the other newcomers (Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, Palutena from Kid Icarus, Pac-Man for example), as the developers have made sure that each of them brings an additional dimension to the game's roster. obviously much too early to identify any tier list, but we really wouldn't be surprised to see LittleMac squatting at the top of the table. Pac-Man is surprisingly vicious in edge guarding, even though we didn't bet a single kopeck on him. In short, it will take many months of practice before knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each other, knowing that not everyone is available from the start. While waiting to have them all unlocked, there is a way to have fun with the character editor. Super Smash Bros. 3DS allows you to create your own fighter from a Mii. It will first be necessary to define his style of combat (Swordsman, Shooter, Boxer), before then choosing his equipment which will influence the attack, the defense and the speed. Special moves can also be shaped, not to mention the appearance that can be improved according to the accessories picked up. Another point to note: the weight and size of the Mii also have an impact on its performance. Thus, a one-ton avatar will be difficult to move but will move more slowly than a lighter and therefore faster Mii. To tell you the truth, this aspect of Super Smash Bros. 3DS didn't wow us with the masses. Already because a Mii is anything but charismatic, and then the game system is rich and deep enough to avoid bothering with customizable attacks whose effectiveness is sometimes questionable.


It is obviously much too early to identify any tier list, but we really would not be surprised to see LittleMac squatting the top of the table.


Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!On the level side, there too we are offered very heavy in terms of level design. The design of each stage has been carefully studied, and it is clear that the architects of Nintendo wanted to carry out the work. As usual, aficionados all have their favorite arenas, and randomizing the location before each fight is as stressful as a high damage percentage. Those who are used to blaming bad luck when they take a beating, will no doubt be delighted to learn that a DF version is available for each level; that is to say that the fight takes place in a flat area and without the slightest artifice to disturb the proceedings. It's still depriving yourself of what makes the charm of a Super Smash Bros., a series where the twists are not as abused as in a Mario Kart for example. Naturally, new combat areas are appearing like Dream Land embedded in a Game Boy screen. Pac-Maze is also well done, just like Mute City (F-Zero) or even Locomotive of the gods (The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks). So Super Smash Bros. 3DS is a visual spectacle that commands respect, without having to wait for the release of the New 3DS. The effects explode on the screen, the modeling of the characters is mind-blowing and above all, above all, the frame rate never fails. There are people however, it doesn't stop for a single second and it's even more dazzling when the elements start to unleash. As for the Final Smash, it's an opportunity to admire colorful effects from another planet, always with this sick fluidity. We can already imagine the result on Wii U with the flat screen in the living room.




Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!Everyone knows it, a Super Smash Bros. is essentially savored with several people. Online, you have the possibility of facing only your friends (all the rules are then configurable) or of going to challenge the rest of the planet. In this case, whether in battle royale or in a team, the "For fun" matches take into account all the objects as well as all the variants of the stages; while the "For Glory" - ie ranked - games disable items and only take place on the DF versions of the levels. For the real ones, basically. In addition, we note the presence of a "Spectator" mode with which we can bet on a fighter in order to collect coins, as well as that of a video channel hosting replays of any type of match. . Of course, Super Smash Bros. 3DS allows local account settlements, an operation which requires that the four players each have a copy of the game. We can then embark on the "Adventure Smash" mode which replaces the Subspace Emissary. Here, it will first be necessary to inflate the stats (Speed, Attack, Jump, Defense, Objects, Special attack) of his character by savating all the monsters in the allotted time, before being catapulted into a kind of final test where everyone will have to defend his skin. This final step can take the form, among other things, of a classic fight, or that of an obstacle course. At four, as much to tell you that it's the fair of the underpants. Still with regard to multiplayer, the “All-Star” and “Mass Smash” modes also do the job, with a good dose of not disgusting cooperation.


...difficult not to succumb to this video game lesson which reminds us with a slap on the head that the lair of Kyoto deserves a little more respect.


Super Smash Bros review. 3DS: the game that beats hard!However, Super Smash Bros. 3DS contains countless bonuses for lonely souls to find, whether it's characters, stages, equipment or even trophies. Again, there is plenty to do with the "Classic" mode in which you have to fight a series of opponents, before showing up in front of the indestructible Créa-Main. We will point out in passing the possibility of adjusting the level of difficulty so Kid Icarus, as if the fanservice contract was not yet completely fulfilled. The "Home Run Smash" hasn't moved, and the "Bomb Smash" turns out to be quite nice with its Angry Birds look. If we add to all the qualities mentioned above the power of the soundtrack which is just sublime, Super Smash Bros. 3DS is not far from perfect. In fact, two points still tarnish the picture. The first is that it is difficult to appreciate the game at its fair value with a classic 3DS. Indeed, the relatively small size of the screen compared to the XL model is detrimental to the readability of the action, and we have already happened to knock at random while praying to the sky. The other weakness is the analog stick of the console which is far from offering all the guarantees of precision. In these moments, it's true that we tend to think of the GameCube controller which, moreover, can be used with the Wii U version of this Super Smash Bros. Apart from these two handicaps, it's hard not to succumb to this video game lesson which reminds us with a slap on the head that the lair of Kyoto deserves a little more respect.


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