If Sega of America simply refused to release the game on its territory, we must admit that we seriously thought about doing the same thing with the Altered Beast test. However, it would have been unacceptable to let you believe for a single moment that the cult game of our good old Megadrive was worthily back. So we preferred to warn you and to avoid going through the traps, we prefer to tell you that this 2005 version brings together all the worst that can be done in a video game production. If you want to work in the video game, take notes, here is everything to avoid.
Hmmm… Charal
Let's circumvent an insipid scenario and wake up directly the one who will act as the main character during the few minutes when we will be able to hold on to the game. Out of a box in great shape, despite the crash of the helicopter transporting him, our pseudo hero finds himself in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mutated monsters. Having just discovered a mutation chip, he is in full transformation, Manimal style but more gore, and the first contact will be made with claws since you are now transformed into a werewolf. The fall can therefore begin, the fault of graphics that sting the eyes and especially a camera that follows everything except the action. From the start and throughout the game, we will not hide it, we find ourselves hammering the keys and moving the analog stick without really knowing where we are going. And even once back in our human form, it doesn't get any better and we try to fill the bestiality bar as quickly as possible to find a more efficient animal form in order to move forward in this aliased universe. We then simply tear the monster with a vengeance by monitoring the level of animosity under penalty of seeing the life bar disappear.
If a few new combos will try to brighten up the game, the fun is still not there. Despite his spectacular attempt to display thick swarms of enemies, Altered Beast keep doing on the flop. The height is that this horde of polygons on the screen even adds other defects to the game, since everything is particularly confusing and we only realize more quickly the important repetitiveness of the software. The most persistent (crazy?) will finally find new transformation chips in the levels to mutate into new animals (such as an eagle, a wendigo, a garuda, a griffin and a minotaur), but this test also proves unsuccessful. The good idea of polymorphism still does not compensate for an achievement unworthy of current consoles.
Come on, let's not harass this poor beast any more, and let it go back into a hole in which it should have stayed. Altered Beast will have been only a bad dream that we will try to forget as soon as possible.