Benefiting from total freedom in the development of Batman: Arkham Asylum, the Rocksteady studio has afforded the luxury of an unpublished story to tell. And to help the developers implement their project, Paul Dini, one of the main scriptwriters of the animated series (the one broadcast in the 90s), agreed to take up his pen to write them a concrete script. This one also starts with the muscular arrest of the Joker by a Batman boosted with EPO. Desiring at all costs to accompany him to the cell where he thinks he will stay for the rest of his life, Batman quickly finds himself in the role of the trapped hero. Helped by the delirious Harley Quinn, our masked vigilante finds himself trapped in the prison of Arkham Asylum where the most dangerous thugs of Gotham City stay. Because if the Joker remains the main antagonist of this adventure, Batman will have to sinter with other adversaries, all just as tough. Jumbled up, we can cite Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Bane, the Scarecrow (Scarecrow) or even the Mystery Man (Mystery Man) who will be so many secondary characters who will complicate the task of our Dark Knight. The latter will therefore have to thwart the plans of his lifelong nemesis who will, whatever happens, always be one step ahead. The whole thing is to avoid being left behind and to achieve the challenges imposed by the Joker. If Arkham Asylum remains the main playground, Batman will have to visit other buildings that adjoin the prison. The mansion, its gardens, the sewers or even the Batcave are all places that will allow you to change the atmosphere, although it is still plunged into a certain darkness. Because if Batman: Arkham Asylum borrows a lot from comics, it is also inspired by the last two feature films by introducing a most delightful dark side.
Bat-trip total
Moreover, for the player to be completely immersed in the adventure, the Rocksteady studio has gone all out on the graphics side by using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, which was used in particular to set up one references from the action game: Gears of War 2. The similarities with the latter are also obvious, with quite similar textures and a really thorough attention to detail. Perfectionists will be able, if they wish, to zoom in as close as possible to the characters and the elements of the decor to see how much the graphic designers have taken care to refine each of the textures that make up the game. the crease of a garment, through the fine lines of the face or the slightest scar, everything has been worked on with particular attention, making Arkham Asylum one of the most beautiful games of the moment. Better still, the atmosphere - both dark and gothic - which emerges from the title proves that the artistic direction has never been the victim of bad taste, quite the contrary, even if one can, perhaps, reproach a little too voluminous musculature on the part of our masked hero. Tight costume and hugging the shape of his salient muscles, our bat displays a rather brutal look that fans of the comic book will certainly not deny.
From the grain of the skin to the crease of a garment, passing through the wrinkles on the face or the slightest scar, everything has been worked on with very particular attention, making Arkham Asylum one of the most beautiful games in the world. moment."
But it took at least these few pumping sessions to justify the strength of Batman who has never distributed so many mandals in his entire career. Thanks to the introduction of Free Flow Combat, the designers have implemented a combat system that is both simple and successful, allowing the player to chain combos and counterattacks with a certain class. Whether he has to face 3 or 15 thugs at the same time, Batman is able to attack them simultaneously and from all possible fronts. If only one key is needed to chain attacks, the player is free to switch from one enemy to another by using the analog stick. In the event of a surprise attack, we are immediately alerted by two contextual icons which immediately allow us to retaliate. If the timing is right, then Batman will show off his martial arts to knock out his opponents. Moreover, in order to ensure that they will not get up again, it is strongly advised to finish them on the ground with a dazzling attack. Easy to access for novices, the Free Flow Combat offers a certain challenge so that lovers of slightly more complex combos are not harmed by the experience. This is all the more true as new combat techniques are unlocked over the course of the adventure, thanks to the points gleaned during these very virile brawls. A point that also concerns the weapons that our Dark Knight will not hesitate to use to thwart the Joker's plans.
Reboot complet
Because we know it well, Batman is the only superhero to be totally devoid of powers, thus having to rely on his physique and his ability to create high-tech gadgets. His superb cape, for example, allows him to hover for a short time in the air, giving him access to distant platforms or to land gently after a fall. His batarang (unlimited use) allows him to knock out his enemies or break certain inaccessible mechanisms. Pretty handy. There's also the explosive gel gun, ideal for blasting crumbly walls and blasting your way through. Let's not forget the grappling hook, the ultimate weapon for climbing onto the roof of a building and avoiding the gaze of mercenaries, ready to pounce on our hero at the slightest warning. By adding all these range of various and varied objects, the developers ensure a sufficiently varied gameplay so as not to tire the player. Because if rushing headlong into a group of enemies can be an end in itself, the game offers us – and sometimes requires us – to approach them in a finer, more discreet way. Like a Sam Fisher, Batman can walk on the tip of the dots and attack his enemies sneakily from behind. Moreover, to better locate his enemies, Batman can use a special sight, using X-rays, which allows him to highlight the important elements and to locate the enemies, and this even through the walls. Quite practical when you find yourself in a little cramped mazes or large rooms lined with minions of the Joker. These phases of infiltration, often well used, develop over the course of the progression thanks to the extension of maneuvers offered to our hero. Clinging to a gargoyle, head down to capture an enemy by surprise, or falling on it like a mass, these are the kinds of possibilities offered to us in Arkham Asylum.
These infiltration phases, often well used, develop over the course of the progression thanks to the extension of maneuvers offered to our hero.
If Rocksteady has taken care to vary the gameplay of its game, the studio has above all managed to find a fair balance, giving the player free rein in his choice of progression. Nothing is really imposed, which is rather rare these days. We thus revel in passing from the simple beat'em all to the game of hide and seek, while allowing to play with accessories. However, alongside all these undeniable qualities, there are a few weaknesses that prevent Batman: Arkham Asylum from reaching the heights of perfection, starting with an obvious lack of challenge. Although the game offers three different difficulty modes, it is quite rare to get stuck in the game. Not only are the checkpoints legion, but the game is also intended to constantly guide the player. Lost in a level? Just use the interactive map to find your way immediately. Likewise, the intervention of the Joker on the loudspeaker, but also through clues on the road, also avoids getting lost. The fights, even against the various bosses, are never very difficult to overcome, to our great dismay. This is all the more true since the AI of the enemies is hardly valiant, which will delight fans of excessive infiltration. We also notice that a certain linearity is gradually settling into the adventure, with game mechanics that tend to repeat themselves. That said, with about fifteen hours of play to complete the title, the lifespan of Batman: Arkham Asylum remains reasonable. On the other hand, no multiplayer mode to extend the experience, just a few Challenge modes that will satisfy lovers of free fight and infiltration in small doses. Anyway, these defects remain minor to really spoil the experience which is really worth living. In all objectivity.