Let's burst the abscess fissa and immediately talk about the novelties that allow Arc System Works to release a new Guilty Gear XX on Wii. Faced with the absence of game modes in the previous opus, the developers had the good idea to offer more content this time. We thus find with delight the "Story" mode which had been ousted last time and which will allow solitary players to fill their gloomy evenings, but above all to unlock the two new characters of this edition. New is a big term since Justice and Kliff Undersn already appeared in previous episodes respectively as bosses and bonus characters. We also note the introduction of two other modes: Team VS and Survival. Not enough to jump to the ceiling either, since we generally find these usual modes in the competition. Suffice to say that if there are novelties with Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, they are not flamboyant either. The title therefore appears as a simple update than a real sequel, especially since the game still does not have an online mode, which is proving to be a real handicap today. A somewhat futile wait therefore (three years all the same!) but which is largely compensated by the rather interesting gameplay.
found guilty
It must be said that Arc System Works (a studio made up of former developers from Capcom and SNK in particular) did not hesitate to reuse their know-how to make their saga a separate title. We therefore find elements from Street Fighter and KOF, but other particularities have allowed the license to earn its stripes, with experienced gamers; so much so that we find some episodes in major official tournaments. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus does not bring anything new in terms of combat system, which is likely to make regulars of the series cringe. On the other hand, newcomers will have a lot to do, understanding to begin with the usefulness of each gauge that dots the screen from top to bottom. Rather complex, the gameplay of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus favors offensive techniques, like a KOF. Indeed, the more attacks you chain, the more the Burst gauge fills up. Once full, it allows you to perform these famous Instant Kills, capable of emptying the opponent's life bar in a single blow. Suffice to say that you will have to monitor the actions of your opponent and do everything to gain the upper hand, for example by swinging a few Overkills (the equivalent of furies) to stop the progression in its tracks. Fortunately, on the defense side, the game introduces Slashback, a technique strongly inspired by Parry from Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and which allows you to reverse a situation that seemed to be lost in advance. Said like that, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus has everything of an elitist fighting game, far from the accessibility of a SUPER Street Fighter IV for example. This is not entirely false, even if the novice in the matter will enjoy chaining the matches, until increasing his skill. All of these gameplay possibilities are at odds with Wiimote and Nunchuk playability, something that was already the case in the episode released in 2008. With such demanding playability, the two appendages of Nintendo's console are not everything adapted to fighting games, and it is therefore imperative to have the classic pad or a GameCube controller in hand to hope to get out the special moves and other furies in an easy way. Of course, experts will prefer the feel of an arcade stick, but Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus plays just as well with a normal controller. As far as production is concerned, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus uses the same graphics engine that Arc System Works has been recycling since the beginning of the series. The 2D still looks great, especially at 480p, and while the character design won't appeal to everyone, it's pretty hard to deny the quality of the graphics and smooth animations. This is also one of the strong points of the game which, it must be admitted, arrives a little too late to truly be defined as an essential of the genre.