The story of Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 picks up where we left off in our first adventure, more exactly two years after defeating Team Plasma. We once again embody a budding trainer, charged with an oh so important mission; that of studying and capturing the famous creatures, and then becoming a Pokémon Master by facing the Arena Champions who stand in his way. But nothing is simple in the life of a trainer. This one must again face Team Plasma, split in two, with on one side the vile bandits well decided to kidnap all the Pokémon on the planet, and on the other, the repentants, wishing to atone for their past crimes. . If the simplistic scenario has not really evolved in form, although certainly more advanced than in the post-DS episodes thanks in particular to a better written second part of the game, in essence, on the contrary, Game Freak is refining its little revolution narrative. If we had to cite one of the series' greatest flaws, it would undoubtedly be its many hollow and soulless dialogues. The previous Black and White versions timidly offered a hint of originality in the writing. These two new editions offer the best dialogues of the series. Each character benefits from a true identity and it is difficult, for example, not to succumb to the impolite dialogue of Matis, our rival, or even to smile at the amusing expressions of Bardane, the Texas arena champion, at the well forked tongue.
whiter than white
In terms of content, Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 had already laid a very good foundation, offering a varied gaming experience, dotted with mini-games aimed at satisfying wanderers. We thus find the Music-Hall, to transform its pretty animals into real beasts of the stage, but also new places such as the Pokéwood, film studio in which you will be able to compose and share your own short films. Add to that a whole new facet of management, simple but terribly addictive, introduced by the Galerie Concorde, a shopping center to be developed by enlisting new merchants and customers, to be unearthed either in the game or through the online functionalities that grants the C-Gear. The latter will also always be useful for carrying out surveys, communicating with your friends, but also and above all for synchronizing your game data with the Pokémon Global Link. Of course, the fights will also take center stage. The clever Combat Metro, in which you have to face trainers in sets of seven, in order to recover new objects, is therefore making a comeback, as is the Pokémon World Tournament, a tournament which has undergone for the occasion a small facelift, enjoying a staging worthy of the greatest sporting events. Pokémon hunting also welcomes new features. Thus, alongside random battles, single or double, with wild Pokémon, players can also go snooping in the trees to flush out the Hidden Gaps in which rare Pokémon are hiding.
Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, Game Freak now masters its subject and takes the opportunity to restore some order in its ideas, each more ingenious than the other.
Some novelties that do not necessarily revolutionize the series. And yet, the recipe may be almost similar, it would be silly to miss these suites whose progression was first reviewed and corrected. The overflow of novelties in the previous Black and White versions had the effect of making the adventure rather muddled (without being boring). We didn't really know where to go, or what to do, mainly because of the many possible actions, introduced from the first hours of the game. With Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, Game Freak has now mastered its subject and is taking the opportunity to restore some order to its ideas, each one more ingenious than the other. The adventure thus gains in coherence and mainly in balance. The different types of existing fights (Solo, Double, Trio or Rotary Fight) are, for example, introduced in a smarter and less restrictive way, the players remaining in control of their gestures. The fine strategists, who will take advantage of the many intricacies of the turn-based combat system, as well as the characteristics, attacks and types of their Pokémon, will therefore always be the best rewarded. How also not to mention all the prerogative Online of the license, far from failing and coming once again to considerably extend the life of the title through meetings and effective online exchanges.
Black gold
In terms of graphic design, Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 could very clearly not do better than that of its predecessors as it was already masterful. All the animations, whether those of the attacks or the Pokémon on the ground, are always just as successful. The mixture of 2D and 3D camera movements also brings a whole new dimension to our movements within the world in which we evolve. The modeling of environments, pulling the DS to its limits, has also been the subject of much attention. Game Freak has indeed not rested on its laurels since in two years, the continent of Unova has had all the time necessary to transform itself. New buildings, new roads and of course new cities are now accessible, playing with the players' landmarks and their knowledge of previous games. This facet greatly contributes to the renewal of Unys, which we rediscover with pleasure and in a new light. But who says new regions, does not necessarily say new Pokémon, Nintendo having not deigned to update the species that it is possible to meet, pushing a fortiori, for good or bad, players to inevitably turn to the online exchange. In short, for doubting aficionados, Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 still deserve to be in your collection. Neophytes will be able to enjoy one of the most complete adventures in the series, but will have to deal with the (too?) many references from previous versions (flashback, dialogues, etc.).