With the spring event currently playing in Pokémon Go, players have the opportunity to capture new Pokémon that are appearing for the first time in the game, such as the legendary Tokotoro that you In particular, you will be able to encounter and fight in the 5-star raids before having a chance to capture it. Other very interesting pokemon are also appearing during the “Spring Effervescence” event which takes place from April 12 to April 18, 2022.
We think for example of Togetic the evolution of Togepi as well as Togekiss its final form that you can obtain with a crown of flowers and which can even appear in chromatic form (Shiny). If you have any doubts about how to get a Togetic / Togekiss in Pokémon Go, below we tell you how to achieve it.
☆ Note – During this week of "spring effervescence", you will be able to complete a special study as well as the flower collection. Completing the collection will guarantee you an encounter with Togetic, so we advise you to take a look at this information on this page: Pokémon Go List Of Pokémon To Catch For The Spring Effervescence Collection Challenge.
How to find and get Togetic and its evolution Togekiss in Pokémon Go:
You can get a Togetic with a flower crown just by searching the wild. During the "spring effervescence", it can appear, but you will have to be patient and have luck on your side since it is rather rare. The best is to get Togetic by evolving it from a Togepi with 25 candies.
You can get a Togepi with a crown of flowers via the 2km eggs. By evolving it, you will be guaranteed that your Togetic and your Togekiss then keep this crown of flowers. To get a Togekiss during the event, you will need to evolve your Togetic using 100 Candies and a Sinnoh Stone. Be careful, it is useless to try to capture a Togekiss in the wild since it cannot appear in the wild in Pokémon Go even during the current event. You will only get it through the game's evolution system.
As indicated by the Niantic teams, these pokemon have a chance of appearing in chromatic form (Shiny), it will nevertheless be necessary to be very lucky for them to appear with their alternative color.