The world of FPS has known three big revolutions which can be summed up as follows: Doom-like, quake-like and First Person Shooter. But in recent months, we have witnessed a new turning point thanks to an ever greater immersion in first-person shooter games. This translates into new game actions, ever more realistic graphics engines or thanks to charismatic and endearing heroes. This is how the Far Cry, Halo 2, Half-Life 2 and other Doom III are given the label "new generation FPS". And among these video game blockbusters, it is often difficult to introduce a new title into homes. Some bite their fingers (Namco with Breakdown) and others manage to surprise us with titles that we did not necessarily expect and which are essential. You obviously suspect that The Chronicles of Riddick : Escape From Butcher Bay is one of those.
From cinema to console
In the absence of a really worked scenario, The Chronicles of Riddick features a hero with crazy charisma. In the guise of Vin Diesel on screen and in video games, Richard B. Riddick is a cold man, a dangerous criminal wanted by high police authorities. His journey ends when he falls into the hands of a mercenary who will not hesitate to deliver him to Butcher Bay prison for a handsome ransom. Butcher Bay has the reputation of being the best guarded prison in the universe, or rather had this reputation. Because Riddick is determined to cross the high walls of this establishment in order to regain his freedom. You will understand, the scenario of this FPS could fit on a post-it, but it is nonetheless interesting because of the capabilities of our hero. As the adventure progresses, Riddick reveals himself more and more until he becomes the one we discovered in Pitch Black with his opaque goggles and night vision. But before using your stealth skills, you'll need to break some necks, fight your cellmates, and crawl through the air ducts of Butcher Bay. In short, all means are good to escape.
The man who whispered in the ear of the guards
The Chronicles of Riddick offers several game sequences. In Butcher Bay, to prevent the residents from taking up arms, the guards' guns are equipped with DNA protection. Daring to pick up a gun is synonymous with electric shocks. Not practical when you have in mind to escape. This is how you will put your boxing skills to good use and make the darkness your best ally. Here are the first two gameplay sequences that you will discover in The Chronicles of Riddick : Escape From Butcher Bay. Let's focus on the combat phases that are reminiscent of Namco's title: Breakdown. Like this FPS, Riddick will use his fists to beat up all his opponents, guards, prisoners or monsters. Starbreeze Studios opted for a simple but oh so effective handling. Everything is based on a good combination between the left analog stick and the right trigger in order to send your enemies flying with hooks, uppercuts or direct. Each hit will mark your assailant's face in a glorious spray of blood. Violent, bloody, Riddick's reputation is second to none. And if you're too loose for direct confrontation, use your infiltration skills to come from behind and wring a guard's neck. However, be careful with your approach. Don't get spotted because of a clumsy gait or being in the spotlight. To avoid arousing the attention of the guards, prefer dark areas rather than lit rooms or do not hesitate to trudge on shaded crates.
Darkness is your best weapon to neutralize anyone who gets in your way. Crouching in the dark, you will know by a change in vision that you are safe. Watch out for your prey and attack it from behind in order to grab it by the neck and break its neck. This is how you will achieve your goals without too much trouble. If you engage in combat with a guard, the latter will not hesitate to fire to destroy you. There is, however, an effective defense against any armed resistance. If you pull the right trigger at the right time, you will turn the gun against its attacker to smash his head. Fortunately for the interest of the game, your enemies have an excellent IA They will not hesitate to retreat to avoid this scenario. Don't try to ensnare them either by walking into an adjoining room, gun in hand, ready to fire as soon as their pretty face comes through the door. Guards will grope their way, scanning blind spots with their laser sights. I deliberately concealed the shooting phases of The Chronicles of Riddick in order to highlight the tasty mix of genres offered by the game. A hint of strategy, good observation, a minimum of reflexes, that's what The Chronicles of Riddick to fully appreciate the combat and infiltration phases.
A little brutality in this world of finesse
However, and I can reassure you, the game from Vivendi Universal Games is rich in shoot sequences without which its name FPS would not exist. Once your DNA protection is removed, you'll have a blast. Certainly the arsenal is rather limited, only 6 firearms, but I remind you that we are in prison. The weapons that you will find in the enclosure of Butcher Bay are therefore those of the guards and other soldiers in mecha suits that you will disarm. Pistol, Tranquilizer Gun, Assault Rifle, Prototype Rifle, Shotgun and Minigun are there to crush any resistance. Of course, not every weapon is suitable for every situation due to their degree of accuracy. A good zoom practice will do wonders to eliminate a guard without wasting too much ammo. Even if you are armed to the teeth, do not leave aside the infiltration of The Chronicles of Riddick. The sound or light of your flashlight will attract suspicion. Choose infiltration over action whenever possible. Of course, it is rather difficult to discern anything in the dungeons of Butcher Bay. But the handsome Vin Diesel is gifted with a saving skill: his night vision. Through his diver's goggles, Riddick sees in the dark, which allows him to set up cleverly prepared ambushes. This vision that you will discover during the game appears by clicking on the appropriate button. From then on, a pretty pink color fills the screen.
The new generation
Developed Starbreeze Studios, The Chronicles of Riddick : Escape From Butcher Bay also shines with its realization. The Swedish studios of Starbreeze distinguished itself in 2002 thanks to the title Enclave. Disappointing followed Knights of The Temple, another beat'em all plagued by camera problems. But this did not cool VU Games which entrusted the developers with this project. There is now no doubt that Starbreeze Studios will now rhyme with The Chronicles of Riddick. In the manner of Doom III, the game displays an exceptional graphics engine. Essentially based on the effects of shadows and lights, the title is intended to be realistic and manages to immerse us in a cold, murky, violent atmosphere. Whether it's the prison walls tagged with politically incorrect language, the creatures in the caves or the NPCs, the overall graphics are stunning and place The Chronicles of Riddick as one of the most beautiful games on consoles. Enclave ou Knight of The Temple proved that Starbreeze put a lot of heart into the soundscape of a game. And Riddick is no exception to the rule with its original voices (with the essential Vin Diesel), its realistic sound effects and its catchy music. However, this near-idyllic achievement is clouded by a short lifespan. Shorter than current productions, The Chronicles of Riddick completes in ten hours. Even collecting packets of cigarettes that unlock certain bonuses (artwork, images, video, making-of, etc.) fails to increase the lifespan.