Perhaps not the most juicy license of the moment, The Animaniacs at least have the merit of having good faces. Neither hilarious nor horrifying in short. Although it is not the opinion of the director of the Warner studios who, from the height of his authority, asks for compensation from Wakko, Yakko and Dot for all the damage caused in the past. The case will be settled in exchange for a contribution from their whirlwind people. There is a director whose films are just waiting to be shot, and our three lads will scatter there playing the actors in three different films: Wakko will go to the open sea to thwart the buccaneers, Dot in a laboratory infested with aliens and Yakko in full horror film in the middle of ghosts. The staging of the courses is therefore rather amusing, even original, since your wanderings serve as an actor's game. Everywhere on your way, the director thus regularly tells you the procedure to follow as he would give instructions to an actor.
Minus, we are going to conquer the world!
In concrete terms, we are dealing with a platform game that features isometric 3D, which could evoke some good memories for old hands, this view being characteristic of some unforgettable titles of the 16-bit era such as Landstalker, Light Crusader ou Viewpoint. Small precision for the youngest, the term "isometric 3D" designates a process of visualizing the action at an angle and slightly in height, but if the goal is to give an impression of three-dimensionality, the game is nonetheless made in 2D. What is common to see and legitimate on Game Boy Advance is therefore a little less so on a Nintendo DS and its realization from another era shows a flagrant lack of ambition or means. In fact, classic and old school, this Animaniacs east to the marrow. No doubt a nod to bygone gaming habits, the cartridge has no save function, here we go the old way, with passwords! Of course, don't plan to use your stylus for anything other than navigating the menus.
The software plays on temporality but despite the presence of a countdown, it is possible to recover as much film (and therefore game time) as desired via small sessions of tapping buttons in rhythm, which are carried out during character switching. Because indeed it will sometimes be necessary to use one of the two field mice to progress, I want of course to speak of Minus and Cortex. Small problem, out of the 5 characters at your disposal, only Cortex has essential faculties (his intelligence allows him to operate certain levers, and his small size to sneak into rat holes) in return, his low calcium legs are incapable of to jump. Basically we could have expected a real work of complementarity, but we go too quickly around the possibilities. Apart from that, your toons have some fruits that they use in projectiles to defend themselves. In case of contact with the enemy, again the title developed by Warthog plays it the old way since your progress is over! That said, don't panic either, the tries are unlimited, only the race for time is supposed to bring you a game over, a condition that can easily be circumvented as we saw above, however.