With The Evil Within, Shinji Mikami takes us back to the days of the first Resident Evils. In a heavy and unique atmosphere, The Evil Within will give a hard time to the toughest of you. After going from disgust to total fear, you will have to face many other dangers to be able to unlock all the Trophies/Achievements of the game. Between dodging a giant spider, driving without hitting creatures or even killing 3 enemies with a single match, you will have to overcome your fears to get out of it.
The Evil Within: Cheats and cheat codes of the game.
First Steps in the Dark - 30G
Finish the game in relax mode.
An ordinary day's work - 40G
Finish the game in survival mode.
Master of Horror - 50G
Complete the game in nightmare mode.
In every corner - 30G
All in-game collectibles collected.
Lockpicking Master - 15G
Open all the lockers in the save room.
Steel body - 30G
Fully upgrade all of Sebastian's attributes.
My best friend - 10G
Fully upgrade his weapon.
Power of Three - 25G
Fully upgrade three weapons.
Irresistible Arsenal - 40G
Fully upgrade all weapons.
I want more ammo - 20G
Improved all Stock menu options.
Scorched Earth Policy - 25G
Kill 10 enemies with the rocket launcher.
Full Hand - 10G
Kill 5 enemies with each type of Agony Bolt.
Silent Kill - 20G
Kill 5 enemies in a row without being spotted.
Burn baby, burn! - 10G
Kill 5 enemies with a torch.
And the corpses are piling up - 10G
Kill 30 enemies.
Furious Madness - 20G
Kill 200 enemies.
One Man Army - 35G
Kill 400 enemies.
Balls ? To do what ? - 10G
Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks.
Pub Brawl - 10G
Kill an enemy stealthily after hitting them with a bottle.
A good barbecue - 10G
Kill 3 living enemies with a single match.
Death on the heels - 45G
Complete the game in less than five hours.
No Change - 60G
Complete the game without improving your skills with the green gel.
Qui s'y rub...- 60G
Complete the game in 悪夢 (Akumu) mode.
To the Corvo - 15G
Open the village gate without killing a single enemy (Chapter 2).
Lame Fatale - 40G
Eliminate the Sadist stealthily (Chapter 3).
Like an itch... - 15G
Have a vision in the hospice (Chapter 4).
In the oven and in the mill - 25G
Save Kidman without Joseph taking any damage (Chapter 5).
In -extreme - 5G
Saving Joseph from the fall (Chapter 6).
No time for that! -10G
Get out of the catacombs having only killed 2 guardians (Chapter 7).
Nothing to shoot - 10G
Complete Chapter 8 without firing a single bullet.
All fire all flame - 25G
Defeat Laura before taking the elevator (Chapter 10).
Not a scratch - 15G
Driving on the highway without hitting a single enemy (Chapter 12).
Electrician diploma - 15G
Switch on all electrical equipment simultaneously in the metro (Chapter 14).
Secret Achievements
Weapon of Choice - 20G
Defeat the Sadist in the village.
Old Flame - 20G
Kill a Howling Beast.
Two on Two - 25G
Eliminate two guards before the church.
What's in the box ?! - 20G
Escape the Keeper under the catacombs.
The First, Not the Last - 40G
Put an end to a monstrosity in the underground garage.
Arachnophobia - 15G
Flee from a giant threat in the city.
Slither into Oblivion - 25G
Remove an invisible enemy from the equation.
One of the Many - 45G
Defeat the ultimate evil within.