As you progress through the interactive story of The Quarry horror game, you'll come across small collectibles to collect. They allow you to learn more about the story or the characters and also allow you to unlock trophies / achievements. This is the case with the tarot cards that are the subject of this guide. We suggest that you find all the locations of these cards below.
☆ Note – To find all of The Quarry tarot cards, you will need to follow the game's good ending walkthrough. You can find the full walkthrough here: The Quarry Walkthrough Choices To Keep All Characters Alive And Get The Good Ending.
List and locations of all The Quarry tarot cards:
After getting all the cards, you will unlock the "complete game" trophy/achievement. The cards are easily spotted, when you are close the camera automatically changes angle of view to zoom in on the tarot card to be retrieved. There are a total of 22 maps to find across the ten chapters of the game. Here are all the locations…
→ In the prologue:
In the woods after choosing Obedience or Insubordination when you start controlling Laura, you will find a Tarot card (The Fool) at the start of the section as you walk away from Max's car.
→ In chapter 1:
When you control Jacob, once you have entered the chalet through the window, go to the large dining room where there are all the tables and look for the kitchen. In this room you will find a new Tarot card (Temperance).
→ In chapter 2:
When Nick and Abygail are walking together in the woods and the path splits in two, you have the choice between "Shady Glade" or "Rocky Road", to collect all the tarot cards you will have to take the path of "Rocky Road ". When you control Nick at "Rocky Road", you will at some point come to an intersection with a sign that says "danger". Go to the left lane to find the tarot card, you'll see it when the camera's point of view changes and films the top of a rock (you get the hangman tarot card).
→ In chapter 3:
Abygail walks alone in the woods at the beginning of the chapter in the middle of the night. There is a Tarot card to collect in the area and it must be collected before a cutscene is triggered. There will be a first with a voice that says “they took everything I had. They took everything I had”, if a second triggers you will not be able to recover the card. Therefore, we advise you to make a small backup in advance so that you can start over if you are unable to recover the card before the blocking scene is triggered. Either way, you will be when you arrive at your destination since the camera angle will change to focus on a large tree, you will see the map attached to that tree. Collect it to get the "God's House" tarot card.
After Nick gets attacked in the woods and Abygail runs away, you find yourself towards the lake with Jacob and Emma, in the area where the canoes are stored, the camera will change its angle and you can pick up the tarot card "The Star".
→ In chapter 4:
After the sequence when you have the choice to shoot in the direction of the bushes with Ryan and his weapon, you will control Emma alone with her phone in hand. Immediately turn around and go to the end of the wooden pontoon to see the camera tilted to another plane, allowing you to see the moon in close-up and also pick up the tarot card “the magician”.
After the sequence between the monster and Emma, you find Dylan, Ryan and the others heading for a cabin. The camera angle will change to show the inside of the room while the characters are still outside. There will be the "strength" tarot card to collect before they enter the building (you have a few seconds to do so).
→ In chapter 5:
After the sequence with Bobby in the house when you have to hold your breath, when you explore the camp with Dylan and Ryan in the dark, go to the center where the big tree is and find the right point towards the swing so that the camera changes angle which will allow you to obtain the tarot card "the devil" under a wooden table.
Still in the same area, keep following Ryan and head towards the bungalow. Instead of interacting with Ryan who is going to sit on some stairs, search to the left for a new tarot card, the camera angle will be obvious enough for you to see the card from "the hermit”.
→ In chapter 6:
At the very beginning of the chapter when you play as Jacob, climb the wooden footbridge and cross there to the end. As soon as you are on the last staircase to leave the footbridge, go immediately to the left (especially not to the right, otherwise you will trigger a scene) to find the “justice” tarot card.
A little later in the chapter, Nick will attempt a hug with Abi and Kaitlyn will push them into the water according to your choices. After this sequence, you will control Abi, you will have to go to the showers of the building where you are to retrieve the tarot card "the moon".
→ In chapter 7:
When the police officer Travis takes Max and Laura finds herself alone in her cell, move a little towards the bed and turn around to come back with the grids of the cell. The camera angle will change and you will see the "world" tarot card to be retrieved.
A little later in the chapter, you control Laura again outside her cell, she has a bandage on her head. Walk through the police station and into the room with all the tables and chairs lined up pass to the middle of the room to see the camera change its angle of view. This will allow you to recover the tarot card "the chariot".
→ In chapter 8:
When playing as Laura in the quarry, go up the stairs and follow Ryan. After the section where Laura asks Ryan to be careful, continue to the next area, leading to a set of stairs. Don't go up them, instead go into the small recess of the bars on your left and the camera will change angles, allowing you to pick up the 'lover' tarot card.
Still in the mine with Ryan and Laura, at some point Laura will tear off a plank (you will have to press a key several times). After you walk through a long mine tunnel with Ryan, the camera angle will change and you can see the “wheel of fortune” tarot card to collect.
After the short sequence with Kaitlyn and Abi, the game switches back to the characters Ryan and Laura. This time you play as Ryan, go immediately to the left as soon as you start controlling the character to retrieve the "Empress" tarot card which will be visible.
In the same area as before, with Ryan turn around and go down the alley between the wine vats (avoid approaching the door with the red light reflecting on the ground). At the end of the alley, the camera will change its point of view allowing you to recover the tarot card of "the emperor".
→ In chapter 9:
When you take control of Ryan after he's been stabbed, cross the room passing between the birdcage and the bed for the camera to change angles, which will allow you to recover the 'death' tarot card.
When you play Laura after the sequence where she hides in the bathtub to protect herself from old Hackett. You will arrive in a hallway where the wallpaper on the walls is blue. Climb the stairs and enter the back room. Now head to the window to switch views to see and pick up the “the sun” tarot card.
When you're in the car junkyard with Dylan and Kaitlyn. Head into the garage first and press the button on the table to open the gates. Go forward a little and look for some stairs to climb in the next area… Don't head towards the crane, instead go left when you step on the containers to see the camera change angle and allow you to collect the tarot card " the jugement ".
After passing through the car junkyard, you will take control of Abigail, in the basement, go to the end of the corridor and turn right, the view will switch and you will be able to retrieve the penultimate tarot card from The Quarry, there This is the "Pope" card.
→ In chapter 10:
When you control Kaitlyn and search the house, take the stairs to get upstairs. Once at the top, turn immediately left towards the windows to see the camera change its point of view which will allow you to retrieve the last tarot card, "the popess".