Arrival of Peter at the inn. Following a brief introduction, Alek invites you to follow him to his office. Take the opportunity to retrieve the map of the hostel in the entrance hall on the wall. Once at the office, Alek leads you to the room of the dead mountaineer. This room is called "the museum". Examine the room to find a pair of dirty boots that you immediately give to Alek.
Alek then takes you to your room. The investigation begins. In Peter's suitcase retrieve the pack of cigarettes and the lighter; in the bathroom you will find the mirror, the handle razor and the towels; Finally, in the bedroom, a tube of glue is placed on the sofa. While trying to leave the room you realize that someone has locked you in your room. Don't worry, go to the balcony to reach your neighbour's room: Simon Simonet. His door is locked, however, and the music he's listening to is too loud for him to hear you calling from the window. Then use the mirror on the latter and aim for the bottle which is on the ground. You must center your mouse pointer in the circles that appear. Simonet opens you. After the conversation, leave the room, you then realize that your door is now open. Collect the room key n°4.
Peter then remembers that he has to park his car in the garage. Return to your car and drive it past the garage. Observe the door: the padlock is frozen and you do not have the key. Go back inside the inn. Next to the Library (Dead Mountaineer Board Room) you'll find Alek trying to fix the electrical panel. Talk to him, he will then give you the key to the garage. You offer to repair the panel. This consists of connecting the colored wires to their respective chamber. However, you can't change anything yet: looking for the screwdriver!
Go to the kitchen (on the ground floor) and talk to Kaïssa, she will explain the problem with the light board (the one you are supposed to fix). In the next room, Simonet waits impatiently for mealtime. Pick up the kettle and the thermos bottle. Plug in the hotplates, put the kettle on them and wait for the water to boil. Carry it using the thermos. You now have enough to unfreeze the garage padlock. So go open it and park the car inside.
In the garage you will find a toolbox in which the screwdriver is stored, retrieve it. You can now fix the panel, however you still don't know the colors of all call buttons. Go and examine them in your room, in the museum, and at Simonet's. For closed rooms, ask their respective owners. Brunn is with his uncle (Du Barnstokr) near the fireplace (RDC). In exchange for a cigarette, Brunn gives you the color of his call button. Go see Du Barnstokr who has returned to his room (#8). Knock and enter. You then have the option to examine the call button. The last 2 colors are to be deducted by you (this leaves you only 2 possibilities...).
You obtain :
Bedroom Color
4 Purple
5 Red
6 Light Blue
7 Orange
8 Blue
9 Green
10 Yellow
Side quests:
Take advantage of your passage in the garage to recover the can of gasoline (next to the motorcycle), the piece of pipe (you have to use the handle razor on the pipe rolled up on the ground, you have to be very precise with the pointer) . Then combine these two objects to get the canister with pipe. Use it on Peter's car to get the gas can.
In the basements you will also find the funnel and not far from there, in the wine cellar, you will find a crowbar on a barrel (be careful not to forget it because the room becomes inaccessible afterwards ). You can also go to the attic of the inn (on the 3rd floor) to retrieve the generator belt there.
The panel repaired, Alek asks you to come and eat. In the dining room Alek offers you a drink. Drink it bottoms up using the same process as for the mirror (point to the center of the circle). This task accomplished, you find yourself facing a large buffet. You must then compose a balanced menu, not repeating the same ingredient twice. Otherwise the characters will point out which food is too much, adjust your menu accordingly. There are several possibilities, here is one of them:
-Soup: Chicken broth
-Salad: Tuscan Salad
- Stew: Spinach and dill
- Meat: Beef with pepper
Discuss with everyone in order to dig into the scenario. Brunn eventually leaves the table. When you think you have spoken enough, you have the possibility of leaving the table in your turn.
Peter then points out that it's nap time. Take him to his room. A few hours pass. You have the possibility to play blackjack with Du Barnstokr and Simonet in the library. (You can quit the mini-game at any time using the "Esc" key on your keyboard). As soon as you want, join Alek by the fireplace and start the conversation. Brunn appears. The conversation is cut short when 2 mysterious customers arrive at the inn: Olaf and Heenkus...
A night passes. Olaf is waiting for you in the hallway. He asks you to participate in a small ski test. If you refuse, Simonet will offer you the same in the entrance hall. Whether or not you pass the test is irrelevant. The mini-game thus done, you find yourself in front of the shower room. Simonet and Du Barnstokr await their turn. Heenkus then Olaf make their appearance then leave.
Who's in the shower? In order to unravel this mystery you will have to find and discuss with all the residents of the hotel. Begin your investigation by the entrance hall where you will find Olaf. Continue your way through Alek's office where he and Moses are. Go through the garage to find Brunn. Then go to the third floor to meet Olga (in the greenhouse) then Heenkus on the balcony. Finally go back down through the kitchen to find Kaïssa. You realize that no one from the hotel is present in the shower. You can enter the room, no one is showering! Turn off the water, your towels are now wet. So go back to your room to put them back in their place. Peter suspects an intrusion into his room... Go and inspect the desk located next to the window to find a note there. This word describes Heenkus as someone dangerous.
Leaving the room, Peter hears a noise coming from the museum. So go take a look. You come face to face with Moses, he complains about the theft of his watch. The designated culprit being Heenkus, your objective now is to search his room. The latter being locked, you must then recover the keys with a master key in Alek's office. While discussing it is possible to see the register of the hotel in order to compare the writings (see the additional quests). After the discussion leave the office. You have to force Alek out of the office. To do this, just ring the bell at the entrance of the hostel. The problem is that Alek has the annoying habit of locking his office as soon as he leaves it. So go into the kitchen to retrieve the matches (next to the basket of vegetables). Then use the tube of glue and then the matches on the door of Alek's office. Exit the building. Right next to the front door (up the few steps) you will see a doorbell. Press it.
Return to Alek's office. The latter leaves his office: the way is clear. Enter the office, collect the keys with the master key, then go search Heenkus' room. You find a gun and Moses' watch in his suitcase. Leaving the room you are challenged by Du Barnstokr.
Side quests:
Take advantage of having Alek's master key to walk around the inn, with most rooms now accessible.
The generator
Go to Brunn's room and pick up the key that is on the floor at the entrance. You now have everything at your disposal to complete this quest. Go to the basements, specifically to the small room where the generator is.
- Start by using the key found in Brunn's room on the generator, it opens.
- Put the generator belt in place.
- Place the funnel on the generator.
- Dump the gasoline into it.
The generator is now running. It allows you to switch on the radio room on the 3rd floor (dark room just before the greenhouse).
The Mountaineer's Table
So go to the radio room and pick up the small key that is on the ground (near the chair). This key allows you to open the safe located on the floor of Alek's office. Inside you get an optical disc and morse code. Let's take care of the optical disc.
- In the mountaineer's board room is a globe (next to the table where Simonet and Du Barnstokr were playing cards). Use the optical disc on the globe.
- The globe then reveals 3 locations indicated by crosses on the mountaineer's table.
- So go and examine the table and click on the 3 locations you have memorized.
- You get the secret photos of the staff!
The billiard room
While strolling in the corridors you have the opportunity to meet Olga or Simonet. One like the other invites you to go to the billiard room.
Olga is delighted to see you face Simonet at billiards. Win the game to get Olga's scarf. This object is essential to access the "true" end of the game.
Compare entries
It is possible to find the author of the note stuck on Peter's desk. For this you will have to compare the writings of each individual.
- Alek: Start by going to see Alek, and ask to see his register. Alek is not the author of the word.
- Brunn: In Brunn's room, open his drawer and examine the book it contains.
- Du Barnstokr: As soon as he returns to his room, go talk to him.
- Simonet: next to the call button in his room is a note, examine it.
An evening is preparing in the dining room. Heenkus is however absent, and Alek refuses to start until he has come down from the balcony (3rd floor). If you go see him he won't come down without a bottle of Scotch whisky. For that, go to the bar in the dining room. On the shelves you spot 5 bottles. Take the Cutty Spark with you and bring it to Heenkus; the evening begins. This is when the different endings of the game will play out, so be careful. (See side quests).
- Go dancing, drink with Alek, walk around the inn. At one point an avalanche is triggered.
- Go see Alek by the fireplace. After the conversation a new character appears at the inn. This is Luardwik, a strange one-armed character. Peter goes in search of Heenkus and finds himself on the balcony: Heenkus has disappeared.
- Head to the museum. As you approach you hear a noise. Enter the room. Heenkus is there tied up. Detach it using a handle razor. Once again he refuses to speak without whisky. Don't look at the bar you won't find anything.
Instead, go for a walk in the wine cellar. In the bottom shelf on the left you see a lot of bottles. Take the whiskey.
Heenkus agrees to talk, but it seems obvious that he is lying. Take him back to his room and lock him up.
Now go downstairs to Mr. Moses' adjoining room.
Luardwik is there, talk to him.
At the end of the conversation Luardwik mutters Simonet's name. Peter and Alek go to the person concerned. To their amazement, Simonet's body is lifeless on the ground. Collect the suitcase near the body then go back to Luardwik who asks to see the body. Once again on site, you have several options:
Immediately give the suitcase to Luardwik in order to access this ending. Anecdotal end, I can only strongly advise you to continue the story.
Don't give the suitcase to Luardwik. He goes back to bed. Go to the entrance hall and talk to Alek. He tells you strange things about Brunn. Go and solve Simonet's murder. Start by going to see Olga. Moses kicks you out immediately. In order to get permission to question them you must show your credentials and make no accusations towards them in your answers.
Then go see Kaïssa in the kitchen, then Du Barnstokr upstairs. Then knock on Brunn and arrange for her to let you in. Finally, take a trip to Olaf.
None of them appear to be the suspect. Let's go back to Heenkus. After a brief interrogation leave the room. Alek appears and gives you a piece of evidence: a gun. Ask Heenkus again, this time he tells you everything.
Go to Alek's office where Du Barnstockr, Olaf and Alek are waiting for you.
The truth is revealed to you (partially). Again you have 2 options:
- Put the suitcase back and witness the second ending of the game.
- Don't put the suitcase back. You wake up in the office. Head outside the building to find Alek there. This is the third ending of the game.
Side quests:
Good Ending: The Caverns
Let's go back to the dance party. It is absolutely necessary that you have recovered Olga's shawl beforehand (won during the billiard game).
- Start by going dancing with Olga, Olaf and Simonet.
- Then go have a drink with Alek.
- Go back to see Olaf and Olga dancing and talk to them. Simonet is gone.
- Go drink again with Alek until he leaves the room.
- Olaf comes in. Drink twice with him. He leaves.
- Olga is coming. Don't talk to her, but use the shawl on her.
You flirt with her and end up in her room. Moses kicks you out. Enter the room again. The avalanche is triggered. Then follow the steps between ******* detailed above.
This time Luardwik does not pronounce the name of Simonet but of Olaf. The following events are similar with one exception: it is now Olaf who is dead.
Don't return the suitcase to Luardwik in Olaf's room or you'll land on the wrong ending. But continue the investigation as for Simonet. After questioning everyone, go to Alek's office. Moses, Simonet and Alek are waiting for you there. Don't give the suitcase to Moses. He then takes you to the caverns where you can observe the ship. After revelations about you, you reach the end of the game.