It is therefore in the British capital that Square Enix and the Crystal Dynamics studio gave us an appointment to discover this famous multiplayer mode. Good news, the main people in charge of development had made the trip to officially present this new mode to us, which is none other than the prerogative of Eidos Montreal studios, the same ones who gave birth to Deus Ex: Human Revolution in 2011. Crystal Dynamics being far too busy finishing the solo mode of TOMB RAIDER, it was therefore the Canadian company that inherited this heavy task and their know-how in this area was a significant advantage. However, the first inspiration for the multiplayer of TOMB RAIDER is above all the story of the game, the main campaign, confides to us one of the thinking heads of the project, before detailing the content of this multiplayer. Four game modes will be offered at the start: "Deatmatch", "Team Deatchmatch", "Rescue" and a fourth which has remained secret. If you know the principle of solo or team Deathmatch by heart, the Rescue mode is one of the exclusives of the game. The player will have the choice between two tribes before each game: the Survivors and the Solarii. The first are those who are part of Lara Croft's team, while the others represent the vile inhabitants of this island lost in the middle of the ocean. This is not just a purely cosmetic choice or belonging to a distinct group, because your determination will also change the weapons offered since each clan has its own specific arsenal. If you will preferably use large calibers or those that fire several bursts per second, the choice of the bow can be wise, this one doing more damage to the enemy, provided you aim correctly. It is the disadvantage of this weapon which does not always make the weight vis-a-vis a Kalashnikov, even of low stage. Fortunately, the maps seem to offer a fairly interesting level design, playing on the relief and thus offering vertical gameplay. Hear by this that it will be possible to do a little climbing, play zip line or hide in the darkest corners of the map.
The aim of the developers was not to revolutionize the genre, far from it, but rather to surprise the players, to prevent them from believing that the multiplayer is just a simple last-minute gimmick.
Unlike FPS and other TPS, the maps of TOMB RAIDER are deliberately small, in order to offer an intimate experience where it is not necessary to go through a whole level to dislodge a camper who had - almost - fallen asleep... games are intended to be fast and efficient, so as not to let the player sink into a certain weariness. In addition to the use of conventional weapons, it is possible to set traps or simply to activate them, provided they are identified and found. The level design is made in such a way that it is possible to trap the map as it should. Better, each card is dedicated to a meteorological event and the one we were able to experience is none other than the sandstorm. The team that has taken care to find the lever or the switch to trigger these natural phenomena will be favoured. For the sandstorm for example, the advantage will be for one of the teams to be able to see the Gamertag of the adversaries, which will allow them to be turned on in scruples, while the others will be hampered, not to say blinded, by the lack of visibility. At each level its natural disaster and some will see there the inspiration of Gears of War 3 which offered exactly the same principle of penalty. But the comparison with the Epic Games hit ends there, since the TOMB RAIDER multiplayer is more subtle, not limiting the player to a cover system session (sic). It is therefore no coincidence that the player will not be able to take cover, forcing him to move like a rabbit to avoid the hunter's rifle. The relief of the map and its many hiding places are also there to encourage movement. In reality, it is rather on the side of Uncharted that Eidos Montreal has headed with quite significant similarities that we have noticed. This goes as well in the choice of game modes, as the architecture of the maps, or even the gameplay and the state of mind. The aim of the developers was not to revolutionize the genre, far from it, but rather to surprise the players, to prevent them from believing that the multiplayer is just a last-minute gimmick. See you in any case on March 5 to judge on parts, but after 2 good hours of play, we can already tell you that we are immersed in a safe bet!