Often referred to as accessories, Mii have never seemed so precious as in Tomodachi Life. Logical, in the sense that the main interest of the game is to place celebrities, friends or family members in unlikely situations. No Mario, Yoshi or Toad to rub shoulders with here, but rather Colette, Tite Po, Simon or Nono. It's true, it takes time to populate the building in which the Miis will reside, especially if you want them to look like the original versions. This is undoubtedly the most tedious aspect of Tomodachi Life, especially since there are several parameters to take into account. We do not necessarily think of the administrative formalities (surname, first name, nickname, birthday, favorite color), nor the physical appearance of the character (face shape, eye color, thin or round figure, hair length by example), but to his voice whose tone, rate, pitch or intonation can be adjusted; knowing that the less patient can opt for a predefined setting. As required by the genre now, it is possible to determine the personality of the Mii with his way of speaking which can be reserved or frank, his cautious or carefree temperament, his slow or fast movements, his expressive or impassive face. Clearly, we have four main types of characters (soothing, open, reserved, confident) to which are added subtleties to add a little more depth to the relationships we weave. Thus, a Mii of the confident type may prove to be an excellent leader of men, while a character of an open nature will tend to be sympathetic with his congeners. In any case, nothing is fixed and you can modify the personality of the little beings at any time during the game; which is also valid for those integrated via QR codes.
Often referred to as accessories, Mii have never seemed so precious as in Tomodachi Life. Logical, in the sense that the main interest of the game is to place celebrities, friends or family members in unlikely situations.
Animal Crossing fans risk being traumatized when taking their first steps in the game. Well, we're exaggerating but the succession of menus is enough to frustrate quite quickly when you're used to wandering around everywhere. Indeed, to explore the island of Tomodachi Life, you have to point with the stylus to the different places on the map displayed on the console's touch screen.. The grocery store at the bottom left, the ready-to-wear store just at the top, the interior decoration boutique in the center, the café at the bottom right, the essentials are there. Naturally, these different areas are not automatically accessible, and it is first necessary to respond to the slightest desire of the Mii in order to increase their happiness gauge. Requests can range from classic (curing a cold, changing clothes) to convoluted, like that damned need to ask us about the contents of their stomach. Ah yes, we also have to think about feeding them and these are not the dishes that are missing in Tomodachi Life. We are not going to name them all here, and we will just note that finding everyone's favorite dishes allows you to quickly level up, and fill your pockets like Euromillions like for any other satisfied favor. And then hey, seeing the Mii fly away with pleasure or throwing up the food they hate, it's worth the detour. History to vary the pleasures, certain characters sometimes wish that one plays with them, the occasion to launch a part of Memory for example. Among the other mini-games that we find, there is also the one that consists in guessing which character belongs to the silhouette presented on the screen. When we host more than thirty, we assure you that the exercise is not easy.
Managing to identify an object through a cluster of pixels is also one of the pastimes available, not to mention the Common Points Quiz which allows you to know how well you know the inhabitants of the island. Since we are talking about leisure, we will also note the presence of a concert hall in which the characters can perform on stage. More concretely, after choosing a style of music from the eight proposed (metal, rock'n'roll, ballad, techno, musical, rap, pop, opera), everyone can become the star of a night, whether alone or in a group. If the choreographies are fun to see, it is especially the possibility of changing the lyrics of a piece that amazes. It's simple, you can make the Mii say anything, within the limits of propriety and the number of characters of course. Moreover, a warning is displayed as soon as we try to place an inappropriate term, but the feints with the French language are so numerous that we bypass the system with our fingers in our noses. In any case, seeing the mother-in-law taking herself for Booba is priceless for the children! Impossible, either, to miss the activities planned at a specific time, such as the shooting sessions at the park, the small part of Tamadochi Quest (an RPG) at the amusement park, or the rap battle near the fountain. In short, difficult to blame the game for not having content. In any case, what we prefer above all is to follow the love stories that flourish here and there, and if possible screw up the couples to see how far the game pushes the vice. Nintendo obliges, the scrambles remain cute and at no time have we seen two young ladies crepe their buns for the same man.
If the choreographies are fun to see, it is especially the possibility of changing the lyrics of a piece that amazes. It's simple, you can make the Mii say anything, within the limits of propriety and the number of characters of course.
On the other hand, it is quite possible that a Mii already in a relationship decides to leave his half to go and shovel at another. A terrible heartbreak for sensitive souls, really. The dropped character, who remembers all the good times spent with his ex, then plunges into a deep depression, and it is up to the player to do everything to cheer him up. Her favorite dish can do the trick, but offering her a beauty kit, offering her a good bath or going shopping can also be beneficial. Afterwards, breaking up a couple does not always work. In fact, it all depends on the strength of each partner's feelings, and Tomodachi Life clearly makes the distinction. For example, if the love that Florian feels for Eva is unwavering, this one can very well consider their relationship as a simple flirtation. All it takes is for a suitor to make eyes at her to turn her head. We liked it. We also appreciate the different ways in which the Miis can go about making their declaration of love: romantic, desperate, with a gift in their hands, all means are good not to end up single. The must, however, remains the marriage proposal. Whether at the beach or at the chic restaurant on the corner, it is mandatory to ensure that operations run smoothly. Bad timing, and it's a disaster. On the other hand, if things follow each other perfectly, it's honeymoon, new apartment and a toddler just behind. For those who are afraid of eating a rake, friendship is a concept that also has its place in Tomodachi Life.
Always in this concern to bring some asperities, all the friends are not housed in the same boat. There is the best friend that we almost never separate from, there are those that we find "super nice", the others just "nice" or even the dating tidied up in the "impossible agreement" box. Inevitably, it is disputed, and even when one takes the first step to make peace, the other can very well continue to sulk and give him a wind. Anyway, there is life and all these beautiful people do not hesitate to visit each other, to do activities together, to introduce other acquaintances, etc. Relationships are constantly evolving and we even end up getting attached to certain characters.. As a result, we regret the lack of efficiency of certain Tomodachi Life tools. The compatibility tester, for example, systematically crashes into the affinities that the characters may have. It has happened to us, on several occasions, that two Miis who have no chance of finishing together end up getting married. The reverse is also true: Clémentine and Simon, who were promised crazy love and an 82% compatibility, met a person each on their side. We're not going to hide it from you, we groped to form couples, and the rankings listing the most popular Miis and the romantic relationships likely to succeed were not of much use. Ditto with regard to the game of truths supposed to be used to detect possible hooked atoms: what good is it to know that Miyamoto would like to nab Loana if he cannot offer her a bouquet of flowers, or a perfume?
In any case, what we prefer above all is to follow the love stories that flourish here and there, and if possible screw up the couples to see how far the game pushes the vice.
We suffer events more than we provoke them, and this is undeniably a point on which the developers will have to work if a new episode were to see the light of day.. We grilled a lot of nonsense too. Tite Po doesn't like strawberries but loves strawberry cakes, Jade is discreet and shy by nature but likes to put on extravagant outfits, Caroline is eager to be an adult but melts when her apartment looks like a little girl's bedroom. girl, go figure. Taken end to end, these approximations harm the consistency of Tomodachi Life and further reinforce the forbidding character of the game. her young regularly; without forgetting the possibility of taking photos at any time to then share them on social networks.