Because Transformers Devastation is one of those pleasant surprises from which it is difficult to win, even more so with such negative preconceptions. We immediately find everything that makes the salt of PlatinumGames productions in terms of gameplay, starting with this extreme requirement in timing. Without the slightest guard to catch your breath, you will have to multiply your dodges with surgical precision, and thus activate the famous slow motion which allows you to slip into the opponent's back, and to redo his entire spine. As nervous and epileptic as a Bayonetta, Transformers Devastation does not forgive any hesitation, especially as the power of the opponents increases and sometimes a simple uppercut tears off a third of the vital bar. And then there are all the subtleties that slip in here and there, like the enemy counters capable of breaking any combo; it is then necessary to be sufficiently concentrated - in spite of the visual and sound indications thought by the developers - not to have the brain eaten, especially when Megatron sends several of his henchmen. In these moments, the camera tends to go a little in all directions, which makes us regret the absence of a lock to tame all this frenzy. But it is also what makes the charm of the game, that is to say this crazy pace in the fights where almost everything is allowed; we then take malicious pleasure in working on the sequences, in shaping them, to gain in efficiency.
We immediately find everything that makes the salt of PlatinumGames productions in terms of gameplay, starting with this extreme requirement in timing.
If the possibility of changing weapons at any time of the game is appreciable, special attacks can also be of great help when it is necessary to strike the last blow; without forgetting the fact of being able to transform into a vehicle during the combos, or to better rush on his opponent and thus break his guard. In short, it's total delight. The counterpart of all this exaltation is that the exploration phases have clearly been left out. Zero imagination in terms of level design, let's be clear, and we often have to visit and revisit the same places from the beginning to the end of a chapter. The only interest to search the levels, it is to be able to recover bonuses to, then, improve the equipment of the characters and their skills. In fact, everything happens in a kind of base which can be accessed, generally, between two missions. Once there, you can afford all sorts of items, including the highly prized repair kit thanks to which there is a way to return to combat immediately in the event of failure, without having to take the debates from the last checkpoint. Another important point: the possibility of synthesizing weapons. More concretely, it is a question of merging them to increase not only their level of power, but also to unlock additional properties which are very useful during tense clashes. Finally, this HQ is also the place where the Autobots can obtain TECH (costing 1 or 000 coins) via a mini-game of absolute simplicity; that is to say that it will be necessary to stop a cursor – wandering from right to left – in a gauge composed of several zones, the value of which will obviously have an impact on that of the TECH produced.
The counterpart of all this exaltation is that the exploration phases have clearly been left out. Zero imagination in terms of level design, let's be clear, and we often have to visit and revisit the same places from the beginning to the end of a chapter.
Increase the number of XP points, increase the power of this or that weapon, strengthen the robustness of the character, increase the speed of the sequences; this is what the TECHs with which the combinations are multiple can be used for, as long as the Autobot concerned has several slots. On this subject, the TECHs, in the same way as the other customization elements, further reinforce the difference between the characters; the fights can thus be approached in several different ways. Of the five playable Autobots (Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Wheeljack), Optimus Prime is arguably the one with the most guarantees. Power, speed of execution and defensive efficiency are his main assets, and make him a balanced character to say the least. As far as directing goes, Transformers Devastation doesn't break a duck's three legs. It's colorful, clean, and pretty fluid, but some sets are horribly empty and you can't tell the visual details are scrambling onscreen.. Some - especially the fans - will see it as a form of art and loyalty to the series, others - including us - will think that the developers at PlatinumGames didn't want to mess around with cel-shading. . When we see the work done for Bayonetta for example, we can legitimately wonder if the multiple projects in progress (Star Fox Zero and Scalebound among others) have not forced the studio to go to the essentials on the graphic level. Anyway, once the main campaign of Transformers Devastation is completed, the hotheads can always tackle the challenges unlocked over the course of the adventure. And we warn you, there is plenty to do.