Uncharted 3 Trophies
ps3 tips
1st treasure
Find a treasure.
apprentice treasure hunter
Find 20 treasures.
Seasoned treasure hunter
Find 40 treasures.
Skilled treasure hunter
Find 60 treasures.
expert treasure hunter
Find 80 treasures.
Relic Seeker
Find the strange relic.
20 headshots
Kill 20 enemies with headshots.
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 enemies in a row with headshots.
Handgun Master
Kill 30 enemies in a row with your handgun.
Sniper blind shooter
Kill 20 enemies from cover with blind shots (without aiming with L1/R1).
Running shots
Kill 20 enemies while firing from the hip (without aiming with L1/R1).
Nick of Time
Kill 20 enemies with firearms while hanging from a ledge.
marine predator
Kill 20 enemies while swimming.
30 Kills: Mag 5
Kill 30 enemies with Mag 5.
30 kills: Arm Micro
Kill 30 enemies with the Arm Micro.
30 victims: Tau Sniper
Kill 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper.
30 victims: KAL 7
Kill 30 enemies with the KAL 7.
30 victims: M9
Kill 30 enemies with the M9.
30 victims: G-MAL
Kill 30 enemies with the G-MAL.
30 victims: SAS - 12
Kill 30 enemies with the SAS - 12.
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper
Kill 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper.
30 victims: RPG - 7
Kill 30 enemies in RPG - 7.
30 kills: PAK-80
Kill 30 enemies with the PAK-80.
30 victimes: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI.
It gauzes
Kill 10 enemies with gas or acetylene canister explosions.
Pomegranate madman
Kill 10 enemies with grenades while aiming while hooked.
Hot in front!
Attack 5 enemies to make them drop their grenade.
Return to sender
Kill 10 enemies with deflected grenades.
Return to Sender Master
Throw back a grenade and kill 2 enemies with one shot.
Big stickman
Kill 20 enemies in melee.
Fat brute
Kill 50 enemies in melee.
ninja master
Stealth kill 50 enemies.
Kill 5 enemies equipped with a riot shield by running into their shield.
bully breaker
Counter all of a Brute's devastating attacks.
Accelerated studies
Examine almost all the showcases of the Museum of Cartagena.
On the back of a crocodile
Ride the crocodile in the secret library.
He's gonna need a surgeonfish
Hit 3 enemies with fish from the market.
single frame
Playing in the pool on the cruise ship.
convoy brawler
Kill 10 enemies in melee behind the trucks in the convoy.
Ended ! - Easy
Complete the game on easy mode.
Adrenaline lover
Complete a game in Competitive Multiplayer.
Complete a game in cooperative multiplayer.
master treasure hunter
Find all 100 treasures.
Kill 75 enemies in a row without dying.
Kill ten enemies in a row, alternating between melee and firearm combat.
100 headshots
Kill 100 enemies with headshots.
Reload Master
Kill 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading.
Roll Pickup Master
Pick up ammo while rolling, 20 times in a row.
Dynamite Master
Kill 4 enemies in one explosion.
Expert ninja
Stealth kill 5 enemies in a row.
I finished ! -Normal
Finish the game in normal mode.
Ended ! - Difficult
Finish the game on hard mode.
Ended ! - Extreme
Finish the game in extreme mode.
Unlock all trophies.