In V-Rising, it is very important to hunt down V-blood carriers to seize their power and knowledge. By drinking their blood, you will be able to unlock new transformations for your vampire, you will also unlock structures and new recipes and many other things such as ultimate powers for example. You will quickly understand while playing that if you want to progress in the adventure, you have no choice but to hunt down these targets which are like powerful bosses.
While early V Bloodbearers can be tracked fairly easily, others require special conditions like the "putrid rat" for which you won't be able to track blood from your castle's Blood Altar. In this guide, we explain how you will be able to make the putrid rat appear in your world.
Description Putrid Rat V-Rising:
Farmers diligently try to keep their rodent problems under control, as legend has it that any place that gets too infested can end up becoming the lair of the putrid rat. No one knows how it gets there, but the sources of nauseating carrion odors and the many remains that this carnivore with a gargantuan appetite leaves behind betray its presence.
V Rising what do you need to do to find the putrid rat (blood carrier V):
To spawn the Putrid Rat in your world, you'll need to craft the Vermin Nest (compared to 360 Stones and 120 Bones). This facility allows you to bring in rats and giant rats with bones, plant fibers, and fish bones. But above all, the vermin nest will allow you to spawn putrid rats. For this, you will need a Twilight Snapper, 4 Fishbones, and 8 Gravedust. After a few minutes, he will be there wandering around your castle, a putrid rat as gigantic as it is deadly.
You'll find a Twilight Snapper and Fish Bones by searching chests in Bandit Camps. That's how we got these two items! Otherwise, you'll have to wet your vampire cape and go fishing! For this you will need to build the Woodworking Bench (unlocks after beating Rufus the Foreman) with which you can get your first fishing rod with planks, copper ingots and coarse wire. For grave dust, it is mainly found on enemies in graveyards and by destroying graves.
You can also unlock the Grave Dust recipe at the Grinder which requires you to grind 100 bones. Once you have all the ingredients, put everything in the vermin nest to see the putrid rat appear. By defeating him, you will unlock a new transformation for your vampire, that of the rat, which will allow you to blend into your environment and sneak past the eyes of your enemies, making you more difficult to spot.