Blood essences are very important in the life of a vampire. In V Rising, it's a source of energy distilled from blood that powers the heart of the castle to keep it constantly powered and fortified. If the heart of the castle stops, it deteriorates and the player's various constructions become inoperative. It is therefore very important to pay attention to it!
V Rising does not only have one type of blood essence, there are also superior blood essences which are much more difficult to obtain and which become necessary at a certain stage of the adventure, in particular to be able to create the throne of command.
☆ Note – Standard blood essences are also very useful to turn humans into obedient servants… Find out how to do it with this dedicated guide: V Rising Guide How To Turn A Human Into A Vampire Servant With Dominating Presence.
Where to find Greater Blood Essences in Vampire V Rising Game:
You should know that we do not find it in its natural state by exploring the world of V Rising, unlike the standard essences that we obtain in large quantities by eliminating targets. To get higher blood essences, you will need several things, the blood press and hearts in large quantities. But be careful, they must not be soiled, we are talking about intact hearts.
Build the blood press (with 12 planks and 120 stones) and install it in the workshop of your castle. Then consult the recipes available at this refining station to understand that you need four intact hearts to make a superior blood essence. Intact hearts are found on most living creatures in the world of V Rising, humans and creatures alike, they drop randomly.
No need to farm bosses (who have V blood), they don't have a better chance of dropping this item once defeated. We advise you to hunt targets level 20 and above to increase your chances of seeing intact hearts falling on the ground.
★ Tip – When you become powerful enough, go face Tristan the Vampire Hunter (he is level 46) to learn the recipe for Superior Blood Essences. Thanks to this recipe, you will be able to spend 200 magic essence which you can transform into a superior blood essence thanks to the blood press in your castle. This will make things much easier for you!