If you are in the middle of exploring the Navia region in the game Tower of Fantasy and you have the idea of reaching 100% completion, know that you will have to complete a secret quest. This will allow you to enter the ecological park which is suspended high in the sky in the center of Navia Lake and protected by a blue energy barrier.
Inside the Tower of Fantasy Eco Park, you'll be able to open four supply modules that contain black nuclei, but also dark crystals, an important in-game currency. The biggest reward is going to be the rarity relic “ SSR” colossus arm that is in a special supply ball.
We're not just talking about fragments to obtain the colossus arms, but the complete relic! If you're interested in finding out how you can get into the Tower of Fantasy Eco Park, check out the full guide below.
Go to the three satellite dishes of Navia and redirect the waves:
To be able to penetrate inside the ecological park of Navia, you will have to redirect the waves of three antennas in the direction of the dome suspended above the lake. We have indicated the three places in question on the map below.
→ Obtain console components for the first tower:
If you read the data at the console of the first satellite dish, you will learn that the server boot has been removed and placed under guard, namely a man named Morgley who is at “Forage FC-11”. It is a small isolated metallic structure in the sea north of the island of the rainmaker. The entrance is guarded by hyenas, you just have to give answers in a certain order to be let in. Even if you get the answers wrong, you can try your luck again until you get your pass.
Head to Morgley, a tall seated fellow who would love for an iced strawberry soda to be brought to him. If you don't have any on you, go to a cooking station and make an iced strawberry soda with the following ingredients… x2 strawberries, x2 honey, x1 bottle of sparkling water. It may take several tries with these ingredients to get the Strawberry Iced Soda.
If that fails, you'll get a foul stew instead. When you have what you need, bring the soda to Morgley and he will give you in exchange the console components that will allow you to repair Navia's first antenna.
→ Enter the code to activate the second satellite dish:
To activate the second tower, all you have to do is go there and interact with the console. You will be prompted to enter a four digit combination. We have a dedicated guide where you will find all Tower of Fantasy codes and passwords. You can check it here: All Combinations/Passwords For Tower Of Fantasy Abandoned Trucks And Energy Barriers.
→ Gather five sets of tools to repair the third antenna:
To activate the third Antenna, you'll need to find five Toolkits that you can use to repair servers near the Command Console. You will get toolkits by opening the "bazaar". Here you will have to spend energy crystal dust or training points to buy five blue boxes called "refined boxes". Inside you will have to choose the “tool kit” object to be able to repair the devices of the parabolic tower.
Enter the Navia Ecological Park and collect all the rewards:
All you have to do is go to the middle of Lake Navia at the foot of the ecological park. Three symbols will have changed from red to green, which will allow you to enter the dome to open the supply modules, including one that contains the legendary relic "arm of colossus".