Warframe is a TPS developed by Digital Extremes available on PC and PS4. Play as a Tennos, a humanoid ninja, who fights in armor called Warframe, in order to eliminate a mutant epidemic. For hunters, the game comes with a whole slew of Trophies, which you can discover by following our guide, available below.
Sentinel Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Sentinel
Heavy Weapons Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Heavy Axe, Heavy Hammer or Heavy Sword
Polearm Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Scythe, Polearm or Staff
Skill in Shuriken
Reach Rank 30 with any Boomerang, Throwing Disc or Akimbo Pistol
Dagger skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Dagger or Double Dagger
Bow Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Bow
Shotgun Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Shotgun
Close Combat Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Gauntlet or Bare Hand weapon
Blade Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Long Sword or Dual Short Blades
Rifle Skill
Reach Rank 30 with any Rifle or Machine Gun
Angel of Death
Get 100 kills in a single mission
Revive 10 allies
We Tools shape us
Apply 4 different Mods to a weapon or Warframe
Craft an Item in the Foundry
No longer a beginner
Reach Rank 2 with any Warframe
Special Agent
Solve 10 decodes
Serious savings
Pocket 100 credits
Savior of Mercury
Assassinate the Mercury sector boss
Savior of Venus
Assassinate the Venus sector boss and go to extraction
Deflect 1 projectiles with your melee weapon
Dark Sectors
Complete 5 missions for a Clan fighting over a Dark Sector
Hassle Free
Complete a hijacking mission without letting the device back down
Achieve 10 Mod Transmutations
I take my hat off to you!
Destroy 200 Corpus Crewman helmets
The Camera adds 10 Books
Destroy 150 Security Cameras
well done!
Complete 5 Infested Hive Sabotage Missions
Start incubating a Kubrow
Polarize This
Polarize a Polarized Weapon, Sentinel, or Warframe
Silver :
Polarize That
Reach Rank 30 with a Polarized Weapon, Sentinel, or Warframe
field doctor
Revive 100 allies
Craft 20 items in the foundry
Sell items up to 100 credits
Savior of Uranus
Assassinate the Uranus sector boss and go to extraction
Savior of Sedna
Assassinate the Sedna sector boss and go to extraction
The Way of the Saber
Complete 10 missions without using primary weapon or secondary weapon
Earn 100 credits in Spoils of War
Under control
Complete an intercept node and achieve extraction without the enemy capturing more than 40% of the territory
No Proof, No Witness
Successfully perform 100 assassinations in stealth mode
Tenno to do everything
Kill enemies with your primary, secondary, and melee weapons within 5 seconds
Wave Surfing
Complete 20 Defense waves and successfully extract
It's a nightmare
Complete 10 Nightmare Missions
A Tenno and his friend
Complete 10 missions with a Kubrow equipped
Or :
It's getting better and better
Play for 10 hours
Towards nothingness
Complete 10 missions in the Void