Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in the game Aliens Colonial Marines on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Here you'll learn how to get the Platinum Trophy, including completing all challenges, picking up all six legendary weapons, or completing the single player campaign. You will also find the Stasis Interrupted DLC trophies.
Achievements and cheats Aliens colonial marines
Xbox 360, PS3 and PC Tips
DLC Trophies: Stasis Interrupted
Thank You, That Will Be All
Complete the DLC on any difficulty.
I'm Happy to Disappoint You
Complete the DLC on Ultimate Badass difficulty.
We're Still Collating
Find all DLC Audio Logs.
I Only Need to Know One Thing
Find your family.
They Can Bill Me
Destroy the Legato.
I Don't Got All Day
Cut the umbilical cord without missing a single shot.
They're Dead! OK? Can We Go Now?
Kill all Lurkers in the Sulaco Engine Room.
Now What Are We Supposed to Do?
Escape from the FTL ship.
We Are Leaving!
Survive the Queen's escape.
It's the Only Way to Be Sure
Destroy all the samples in the Queen's lab.
Alien Colonial Marines Trophies
A nice sunny day
End Distress
I don't feel it, this mission
Complete The Fall of the Sulaco
The crow
Complete The Raven
We have a job to do
Complete Rampart
queen in trouble
Finish House
It's the end, man!
Complete all campaign levels on any difficulty
Not bad for a human
Complete all campaign levels on Hardened
The big panard guaranteed
Complete all campaign levels on Mega Big Hard
We have little ammunition
Defeat all Xenomorphs in the Sulaco hangar without them going through your barricade
fire alert
Arm the explosives and escape in less than 2:30 in The Fall of the Sulaco
They only come out at night...
Find Newt's doll
private soldier
Complete Hope for Hadley's Hope
No alarm needed
Complete One Bullet without triggering the alarm
hard work
Defeat the Raven in less than 1:10 on Soldier difficulty or higher
Bye guys
Bones two enemies at once
Promotion in combat
Earn Rank 2 - Navy
Earn Rank 20 - Navy
I love the Marines!
Earn Rank 60 - Navy
Until death !
Pick up a dog tag
In memory of the deceased
Collect all 35 dog tags
A friend of mine
Pick up a legendary weapon
This one, I keep it aside
Collect all 6 legendary weapons
A mosquito hunt
Complete a challenge
Calms you
Complete an entire challenge category
Medal of Honor
Complete all challenges
Finally I breathe, we are saved
Another player must join your group
count on me again
Revive a teammate
Light up the whole city...
Modifies Marine Equipment
Structural perfection
Modify Xeno equipment
Perfect killing machine
Upgrades all equipment slots of a Xenomorph
Basic weapon? my ass
Upgrades all weapon slots
You have the head of my...
Upgrade all of your Marine's appearance slots once
Adaptive morphology
Upgrade all appearance slots of a Xenomorph once
No need to hold my hand
Buy all upgrades for a weapon
Majority shareholder
Spend 30 decorations
I heard
Collect all 12 audio logs
Forbidden entry
Kill 10 Xenomorphs passed through the air ducts
We shoot them!
Kill 10 Xenomorphs in a game with the M56A2 Smartgun
Easier than chess
Builds a UA571-C turret
Micro changes in the air
Spot 100 hostile targets with your sensor
But we have a very nice summer
Kill 3 enemies with a single U4 incendiary grenade
Take this !
Kill a Xenomorph at close range with a shotgun
It's crawling everywhere!
Kill a Xenomorph moving on the walls or ceiling
Secreted by what?
Kill 5 Spitters without getting hit by acid
It does not matter
Fend off a Xeno that jumps on you
Arbitrary extermination
Tue 2179 Xénomorphes
It's when they want
Kill a Grinder without getting hit
Love at first sight
Survive the close attack of a Facehugger
...A hair's breadth away
Saves a teammate from a close attack