Released on October 25, 2016 on PS4, Xbox One and PC, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 takes up the basics of its big brother while correcting certain flaws pointed out at the time. If everything is not yet perfect, the game is still a good title based on the work of Akira Toryiama and whose fans should not miss a single crumb. A clever mix between a fighting game and an MMO, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 offers substantial content for players who love side quests and missions of all kinds. Between the Dragon Balls to recover, the Trophies or the characters to unlock, it will be necessary to fight to complete the game at 100%. And to help you, here is the list of Trophies (50 in total including 1 Platinum and 2 Gold) as well as some tips that may be useful to you.
Platinum Trophy
Goodbye, Xenoverse
Get all the trophies!
Gold Trophies
Son Goku's dream is huge!
See the ending sequence.
Over here, pretending...
Learn all of the Awakenings of each race in Time Rifts.
Silver Trophies
You are the son I never had...
Complete all trainer lessons.
Evil must give way to good!
Become a disciple of the Great Saiyaman and defeat all villains!
You are number 1!
Make Vegeta recognize your strength.
Takkaraput pop porunga pupiritt paro!
Increase the power of Shenron's wishes.
I appoint you commander of Frieza's forces
Become Frieza's second-in-command.
I feel... different!
Cause the transformation of a Majin.
You really are a hero!
Complete all Expert missions.
You are the second to have pushed me so far!
Complete all side quests!
Victory is mine!
Win 7 online battles!
I'm coming for you !
Unlock all characters and their variants!
Do you want to become the god of destruction?
Pass the test in the super category.
Bronze Trophies
Divine Super Saiyan
Reach level 80.
In a rocket for one person?
Drive a vehicle.
Hello !
Go to Master Roshi Island.
Visualize. Not a place, but a person
Interact with all Conton City Models of Time.
This stone may be a decoy, I'm checking
Complete 10 Yamcha workouts.
Between La La La La La!
Complete 10 Krillin Trainings.
See you soon !
Successfully fend off a Super Kikoha.
Take care of your mother for me...
Free all allies under mind control.
Let's use the Hall of Spirit and Time
Complete all challenge quests.
You cannot destroy what I am!
Obtain half of the nicknames and consult them.
The bad guys always look the best
Obtain half of all equipment.
Earthlings, feed me with your energy!
Obtain half of all techniques.
Oh, my belly! It hurts
Receive a special reward from Mr. Satan.
- Prologue to battle!
Complete "The Raditz Attack".
- Rebirth of the Saiyan legend!
Complete "The Saiyan Threat".
- The dawn of a fierce battle...
Complete 'Mayhem on Namek'.
- Frieza's secret weapon!
Complete "Ginyu Commando Strike".
- The awakening of a legendary warrior...
Complete "The Galactic Emperor".
- The successor of the strongest
Complete "Cyborg War".
- Son Goku's spirit is eternal!
Complete "A More Than Uncertain Future".
- Seize the future!
Complete "Decisive Battle Against Buu".
- Conclusion of the Battle of the Gods!
Complete "Wrath of the God of Destruction".
- Despair once again!
Complete "The Emperor's Return".
- In defiance of despair!
Complete "Unknown History".
- Prepare to die!
Pass the easy category test.
- It won't be enough to kill me
Pass the Kaio category test.
- I now summon Shenron!
Collect all 7 Dragon Balls and summon Shenron!
- You know how to do it!
Visit all levels!
- A little warm-up?
Compete online for the first time!
- Of my opponents, you are the 2nd strongest
Win 7 times in Endless Battle mode!
- You don't deserve to face me!
Complete more than 50% of side quests!
- If I don't, who will?
Complete 7 Expert missions.
- The most powerful Majin is born!
Cause the birth of a Majin.
- Wouldn't you like to work for me?
Join Frieza's forces.
- let me awaken your power
Unlock an attribute upgrade.
- Shut up and put that on your right ear!
Create a QQ Bang.
How to Unlock Hit : To unlock the legendary contract killer of Universe 6 you will first need to collect the 7 Dragon Balls in order to summon Sheron. Then all you have to do is ask Shenron for a new character to get Hit in the character selection list.
How to unlock Eis and Nuova Shenron : After unlocking Hit, summon Shenron again to ask him for a new character. This time the dragon will randomly give you Eis or Nuova.
How to unlock Super Saiyan transformation: You absolutely must have a character of the Saiyan race. If so, go talk to Vegeta in the Capsule Corps time rift. You will have to start by beating Vegeta twice before going to talk to Bulma and Trunks petit. Once you've spoken to both characters, return to Vegeta to unlock the "Awakening the Saiyan" training. For Super Saiyan levels 2 and 3, you will need to increase your Ki bar. Thus three charged bars will give access to Super Saiyan 1, four bars for level 2 and five bars for SSJ 3.