Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in the game Dying Light on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Platinum hunters will be thrilled to know they can get one of their favorite in-game trophies from Techland, but first they'll need to complete the adventure, do all the side quests, collect all the texts scattered around the game, and climb 8848 meters of walls.
Trophies & Achievements dying light
Astuces pc, xbox one, ps4
We talk about it when we see each other.
Obtain all game trophies.
A slight sadness
Complete the game.
All the story
Complete all side quests.
The writings remain...
Find all the texts to collect.
Kyle is a legend.
Reach survivor level 18.
Hunter's Night
Survive a night hunt of at least level 2.
Bird of prey
Kill a Raptor.
Home invasion
Go through all quarantine areas.
Well sheltered
Take all safe areas.
Disciple of Phidippides
Cover at least 42,195 km, walking or running.
Mount Everest
Climb the equivalent of 8m on different objects.
The Hunt for Dodgers
Catch 5 Dodgers.
I'm a tracer and a fighter
Complete 15 agility or power challenges.
The Flight of the Crane
Jump from the crane.
This left or the other left?
Meet Rais.
A lurking snake
Escape the arena.
A bit of tourism
Meet in the Old Town.
Gas on all floors
Show the outside world that there are survivors.
The crux of the matter
Settle his score with Tahir.
Enter without knocking
Find Camden.
Turn on the amplifier.
Air lift
Collect 15 Humanitarian Crates.
All in the same boat
Rescue 15 survivors from the clutches of the zombies.
Wolf Man
Rescue 15 survivors from the clutches of Rais's men.
stroke of luck
Win 7 competitions.
Harran's Podium
Participate in 10 co-op competitions.
small jackpot
Sell $10 worth of items.
Is it really necessary?
Kill your first Infected.
The rhythm in the skin
Electrocute 5 monsters at the same time.
Kill 20 enemies in a row without being injured.
A Spartan in Harran
Kill 100 enemies by knocking them off rooftops or cliffs.
The lullaby
Silence a Howler.
Spit a flaming zombie.
Catch this!
Kill 50 enemies with missile weapons.
Harran Shooting Club
Kill 50 enemies with firearms.
electricity in the air
Catch 25 enemies using electric barriers.
Full of peepers
Blind 25 Raptors with rockets or a flashlight.
At 10 feet
Kill 25 enemies using the Anvil or Dive Attack.
judo master
Throw 50 enemies with the grappling hook.
In the light
Blind 25 enemies in a light trap.
little handyman
Create your first object.
Journeyman craftsman
Use blueprints at least 100 times.
Open Sesame.
Perform 10 lock picks.
Kyle is a star.
Reach survivor level 12.
What agility!
Reach level 10 agility.
What strength!
Reach power level 10.
I've got your back.
Complete 1 co-op quest.
Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same 3 partners.
italian plumber
Kill an enemy with a key, placing a Vault followed by a Dive Attack.
Gabriel's Sword
Add a fire elemental effect to a sword or khopesh.
The longer the fall...
Jump into the water from the Pont de l'Infamie (Slum) at night.