The arrival of GTA V is for us the time to confess. It's true, we doubted him. We got sidetracked by the Watch_Dogs tech demos at E3 2012 and thought Rockstar's reign was going to come to a tragic end. God forgive us. Because that was long before we went to the first presentation of GTA V last October, somewhere in the neighborhoods of New York where Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games and incidentally screenwriter of all the games of the firm , explained to us the ambitions of this new episode. It will also have been enough for an hour and a half of pure gameplay to realize how Rockstar was going to impose its law again by revolutionizing a genre of which they are the own parents. This feeling then evolved and was consolidated over the months when we had been able to rediscover the game on other occasions. In London last May then this summer in Edinburgh in the Rockstar North studios to see GTA Online running, and finally in Paris at the beginning of September for a hands-on session which confirmed all the good we could think of the title. But today is the time to report and after a week of intensive testing that allowed us to finish the game and collect nearly 25 million dollars per character, we can finally give you the reasons that make GTA V the most amazing game from PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 era.
Liberty, fraternity, inequality
This revolution starts with a very simple idea: allow the player to control not one but three characters simultaneously. A concept that germinated in the minds of developers a long time ago, during the development of GTA: San Andreas but that the consoles of the time could not crystallize, for lack of technical power. If GTA IV was the first GTA to offer HD graphics, insufficient knowledge of these new machines did not allow Rockstar to realize this old dream. It will become reality 5 years later with this GTA Five which proves that the developers today master their tools perfectly and prove it to us by A + B. Michael "Da Santa", Franklin Clinton and Trevor Phillips: three thugs each equipped with a strong personality that will evolve over the course of history.
The opposite of the bling-bling side of Michael and Franklin, Trevor prefers to live in an old trailer where the smell of trash and moldy semen mixes with that of gunpowder and liquor bottles.
If Michael is obviously the leader of the group, he is also the most complex character. Without spoiling the details of the scenario either, Michael is by far the one who hides his game the best. Married, two children and a young retiree in the middle of a midlife crisis, he will quickly be caught up in his past as a former criminal who fed on robberies to fill his bank account. He now lives in the heights of Rockford Hills (the equivalent of Beverly Hills) in a very beautiful villa where he can bask in the pill by the pool or hit a few balls on his private tennis court. A pasha's life that Franklin hopes to touch one day, which leads him to collaborate with Michael, his new mentor who considers him to be the son he has always dreamed of having. It must be said that the crappy plans of Lamar, Franklin's childhood friend, do not bring in the masses in question money and being supported by an expert in burglary can pay off big. If the two fellows will quickly get along, this is not quite the case with Trevor, this maverick with unexpected and excessive attitudes which make him a unique and atypical character. At the antipodes of the bling-bling side of Michael and Franklin, Trevor prefers to live in an old trailer where the smell of rubbish and moldy semen mixes with that of gunpowder and bottles of alcohol. Arms and drug trafficker, Trevor will then join the team to consolidate an unfortunately feverish and crumbly friendship. The opportunity for the writers of GTA V to play on the differences and personal ambitions of the three characters and thus ensure many twists in the story.
Switch ô ma biche
The presence of three heroes in GTA V not only allows Rockstar Games to give consistency to the scenario but also and above all to introduce a new component to the gameplay: the switch in real time. Concretely, this means that the player can at any time swap characters as he sees fit, whether on missions or during wanderings in the streets of Los Santos. With a simple press of the DOWN button on the directional pad, the player brings up a circular menu which allows him to choose between Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Off mission, the switch allows you to vary the pleasures since each of them leads a very different life. If you never know when you're going to fall (Michael watching a movie in his home cinema, Franklin walking his dog, Trevor waking up in a dumpster), it also allows you to explore the environment with a single click.
Because we must not forget that GTA V offers an absolutely gigantic playground where mountains, desert, rivers, urban environments, beaches and other agricultural areas rub shoulders. Without forgetting that Los Santos is surrounded by oceans as far as the eye can see that it is also possible to explore since the seabed has finally been integrated into the game. The developers of Rockstar Games assured us that the map of GTA V was the sum of those of GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption, and the latter did not lie to us! The city of Los Santos is so vast that one wonders how our current consoles manage to manage such a huge gaming space. All you have to do is gain altitude aboard an airliner or a helicopter to realize the excess of the city. Better (or worse, it depends), it is even possible to move away from the coast, without ever reaching a limit! We tried the experiment at the controls of an airliner. After 5 minutes of non-stop flight and the city of Los Santos disappearing on the horizon, we decided to turn around so far we had gone from the point of no return. Delirium.
The developers of Rockstar Games had assured us that the GTA V map was the sum of those of GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption, and the latter had not lied to us! The city of Los Santos is so vast that one wonders how our current consoles manage to manage such a huge gaming space.
But back to our sheep, especially with regard to the switch of the characters during the missions. This option is indeed not always accessible and certain situations will prevent you from swapping characters: when the frame requires it or when the cops are on your heels, for example. If so, you will be asked to get rid of it first. Normal, otherwise it would be too simple. On this subject, the search index system with the 5 stars is still relevant, with law enforcement still just as tough, if not more so since they will not hesitate to follow you in the air but also on the seas! The coast guards who disembark at full speed or the army who sends you helicopters and fighter planes to blow you up in mid-air: the carnage is assured! Similarly, depending on the course of the story, some characters are grayed out, forcing the player to focus on a particular protagonist. Dan Houser had also been clear with us by specifying that all the missions (mandatory as optional) were not necessarily played in trio. The missions can concern only one protagonist, two of them or all three at the same time, it varies according to the unfolding of the story. Sometimes even, the change is imposed and is done automatically, counterbalancing with the sequences where we are asked to juggle between our three lads.
Triple the pleasure
It would indeed be a shame not to take advantage of the specific skills they enjoy, allowing us to get out of sometimes very complicated situations. Like Max Payne, Michael can slow down time at any time, bullet time style. Useful for dodging heavy enemy fire during an ambush, for example. Franklin has the same ability but only while driving a vehicle. Rather practical during chases where it is often asked to assassinate a guy driving his car. This ability to slow down time on board a motorized vehicle also allows you to put your chances on your side during car races through the city, where you can anticipate unexpected obstacles and thus better weave through traffic. . As for Trevor, his powers allow him to go into fury mode, which gives him the ability to inflict double damage but also to better absorb them. In short, the ideal guy for muscular gunfights where enemies always land in excess. In addition to these faculties inherent in the character of each, the characters have statistics that can be changed over the course of the adventure. By developing certain aspects, it is possible to improve their endurance, strength, apnea, piloting, driving and finally discretion. Because here too, this is a great first: GTA 5 will allow you to play it Sam Fisher by betting on discretion. Indeed, by pressing L3, the character puts himself in a stealth position, which allows him to approach an enemy without arousing his suspicions. You can then knock him out or bleed him with a knife without alerting his buddies further. Admittedly, the possibilities are miserable and the principle quite cheap, but that is obviously not the point. In addition to energizing the action to death, this mania for manually switching allows you to appreciate a scene from different points of view, a bit as if the multi-angle option of a DVD / Blu-ray had been triggered. The class.
In just a few minutes, you realize the power of the switch and the different angles it can offer in the middle of the action."
But don't worry, all these new features are introduced cleanly into the game thanks to this unforgettable intro sequence that will go down in history. We find ourselves indeed 9 years earlier, in the middle of a robbery in North Yankton, where it all began. A cinematic appetizer that immediately sets the tone and also acts as a life-size tutorial. In just a few minutes, you realize the power of the switch and the different angles it can offer in action. If we find ourselves subsequently stripped of all our strength, giving the impression of starting from scratch, it is to better immerse the player in the story. It's up to the player to find the initial gang by getting to know one by one our three heroes, but also all his second knives that revolve around them. Unsurprisingly, we begin the adventure at the controls of Michael to pass very quickly on Franklin whom he will cross at the bend of a crap shot. As for Trevor, you will have to be patient, because the last and best character of the gang only unlocks after 6 to 7 hours of play! The wait may seem long but there is already so much to do and discover with the first 2 heroes that we do not see the time passing.
better than cinema
As always, Rockstar has lived up to its reputation and everything has been thought out so that the player doesn't miss anything from the scenario and is thus transported by this exceptional writing talent. Because let's not forget, the other strength of GTA V is undoubtedly its narrative structure which gives consistency to each of the protagonists, even those in the second zone. Rockstar Games has indeed not failed to load the script with dialogues that are always as delicious where insults rain down and often comical situations follow one another. Life what. True to the series, GTA V does not fail to caricature American society and point out its biggest flaws. If the cutscenes are there to support the point, the conversations that our protagonists can have during their many car trips allow them to develop their personality even more. From Amanda, Michael's wife who gets laid with the first coach that comes along (special mention to Fabien, the French yoga teacher and his powerful Namaste) to Steve Haines, the FIB agent who also takes for a TV star, via Wade, Trevor's somewhat simple-minded friend who lisps quite a bit, and Lester, a handicapped geek specializing in the logistics of robberies, once again, Dan Houser gratifies us with a host of colorful characters of which he has the secret.
Did you find GTA IV a bit politically correct? With GTA V, Rockstar finds its verve of yesteryear and sometimes even turns out to be a little borderline.
Shifted as ever and cynical at will, GTA V never misses its target, whatever the subject. Did you find GTA IV a bit politically correct? With GTA V, Rockstar regains its verve of yesteryear and sometimes even turns out to be a little borderline. Filming a starlet getting fucked doggy style to then upload her sextape to sharing sites and ruining her reputation, shooting a joint to have a megatrip with Martians, saving her daughter from a porn shoot on a dubious yacht, smash the skull of a well-known biker because he didn't like having his girlfriend banged, or even bleed two old perverts, the air dicks who were trying to rape a passer-by, that's the kind irreverent acts he asked us to do in GTA 5. We tend to forget it, but the Rockstar Games title is a game for adults and if like us, you were shocked by this video where an 11-year-old child cries with joy when he receives his copy of the game from his parents' hands. , so tell yourself that they'll regret their purchase when the kid reaches that famous torture scene that made our blood run cold… The kind of slap behind the head that recalls the habits and customs of this series not recommended for under 18s; need to be reminded.
English robbery
That said, let's not demonize either GTA V which, even if it is not in conformity and propriety, underlines in broad strokes the lives of three greedy thugs for money. It's true, Trevor is the character who stands out, he who bumps into people like he's swatting a fly, but behind this psychopathic side hides a bruised man with a tender heart, capable of revealing himself in broad daylight in the face of twisted love of an old cougar. Still, if each of our 3 boloss defends his steak, it is together that they manage to mount the biggest blows of Los Santos. The story of GTA V indeed revolves around bank robberies and other jewelry / jewelry stores, another novelty that deepens the gameplay of the game even more. Because before going to ransack the safes and steal the most expensive diamonds from the city, we will have to prepare. And in the head of Dan Houser, the screenwriter, a preparation is not done by snapping your fingers or clicking a button on the joystick. In GTA 5, you first have to talk about it with the people involved. See if they're up for risking their necks. After a quick debrief, a strategy is then established, offering the player two options. Generally, there are 2 types of heists: the strong way and the one that requires more neurons. The opportunity for the developers to bring a touch of significant replay value to all those who wish to experiment with each attack strategy. For some heists, the biggest of course, we are asked to assemble his team, which is not limited only to our three gangsters. The latter are at times supported by other teammates with a very specific objective. At that time, the player has the choice of his employees who are hired according to the facies, his statistics and his percentage of the cake.
The story of GTA V indeed revolves around bank robberies and other jewelry / jewelry stores, another novelty that deepens the gameplay of the game even more. Because before going to ransack the safes and steal the most expensive diamonds from the city, we will have to prepare. And in the mind of screenwriter Dan Houser, prep doesn't happen by snapping your fingers or clicking a button on the controller."
Once the tactic has been established on the board, it is high time to start scouting. Locate surveillance cameras, count the number of security guards, take pictures of air vents or pipes, steal cars and then tune them to Los Santos Custom or even locate the route of a the Brink to find the best place to attack it, these are some of the activities to carry out before launching the assault. And until you have validated each of these steps, it is impossible to continue the main adventure. It's true, the city of Los Santos is full of side activities that can interfere with the smooth progress of the scenario, but at no time will you waste your time. We can also prioritize the secondary missions: those that will enrich the daily lives of our heroes and those that are made just to have a good time. Improvise yourself as a paparazzo, help a real estate agent ruin the competition or do whatever it takes to become a B-movie producer, here's a taste of what awaits you in the game. Without forgetting all the sporting activities where you risk rotting your social life. Because between golf, tennis (unfortunately it is not of the caliber of a Top Spin), skydiving, cycling, scuba diving, hiking in the mountains, the strip club and sightseeing at the local ladies for a small treat for 50 dollars or the kama-sutra for 50 more, there is plenty to enjoy. Worse still, you can now invest your money in the stock market which allows you to earn as much money sometimes as certain robberies. The game also includes two markets, the Liberty City Stock Exchange and the BAWSAQ, influenced by player data on Rockstar's Social Club. By playing smart, you end up with a small starting fortune that will allow you to buy various properties that will bring in money. Paying for a helipad pays for rides over Los Santos, while buying the taxi company lets you ride anywhere for a penny. Each purchased property earns weekly income in every way. Money is the sinews of war in life, it is also in GTA 5.
The sum of all games
If we find in this GTA V all the basic ingredients that make the success and popularity of the series, the game does not fail to sharpen them to finally offer a gameplay that no longer leaves room for the slightest approximation. . Melee combat, driving and gunfights, everything has been redesigned to adapt to today's demands. One of the aspects that was most detrimental to GTA, even the IV, was the shooting system, not up to par with other games in its category. Rockstar has learned from its mistakes, and the release of Max Payne 3 last year was an opportunity for the developers to tune up. It's simple, GTA V has purely and simply taken what made the salt of Max Payne 3 by transposing it into its universe. We can therefore take cover at any time, change coverage area and go on the attack without the slightest failure, all with disconcerting ease. If as a bonus, you have chosen assisted aiming in the options, then gunfights may become a real pleasure. Too bad on the other hand that we still cannot step over an obstacle as is the case in any current TPS. This does not mean that we cannot be effective, especially when we know that the developers have not skimped on the number of weapons that it is possible to lug around with you. With a weapon wheel made up of 8 slots, in which it is possible to store 3 weapons, it is no less than 24 firearms and edged weapons that it is possible to choose from. In short, a madman's arsenal that can be customized for a fee in any Ammu-Nation store. Increase the size of the charger, more precise scope, flashlight or even camouflage dye, the player is free to choose as long as he has money available.
If we find in this GTA V all the basic ingredients that make the success and popularity of the series, the game does not fail to sharpen them to finally offer a gameplay that no longer leaves room for the slightest approximation. ."
This principle of tuning its war material is also found on the side of the vehicles, all accessible from the outset. we used to drive. Taking inspiration from Midnight Club: Los Angeles, the developers offer much more stable handling than before. It is true that certain types of car tend to slip a little more when gaining speed, but zigzagging through traffic is no longer a torture. Obviously, driving varies depending on the model chosen and driving a kemtar, a buggy or the latest V6-powered sports car does not offer the same feeling. If we are doing quite well on land and at sea (boats and jet-skis drive without difficulty), on the other hand, it takes some time to adapt to planes and helicopters. Between the height to manage, the curves to take with the left stick and the directions to choose with the slice buttons, there is enough to tangle the brushes. Mastering the air therefore requires a little skill and over time, everything will go well, even if we remain convinced that the whole thing clearly lacks flexibility.
Not only is the map gigantic, but the viewing distance is literally mind-blowing. Besides, the sprawling side of Los Santos only reinforces this feeling of wandering in a city of which you never see the end."
But if there is one point where Rockstar Games and GTA have made great progress, it is in the graphics. At a glance like that and focusing on certain textures, one might think that GTA V is no match for the behemoths of the genre like The Last of Us to take just this example. It's true, the textures are less detailed and the character modeling is more accomplished in Naughty Dog's game, but it's as a whole that GTA V puts the slaps. It is enough to dwell for a moment on the wealth of Los Santos to see how Rockstar Games has done a mentally ill job. Not only is the map gigantic, but the viewing distance is literally mind-blowing. Moreover, the sprawling side of Los Santos only reinforces this feeling of wandering in a city of which we never see the end. In order to make it even livelier, a system of climate and day/night cycle has been introduced. From now on, between the rain and the good weather, the sky can darken, give way to clearings or quite simply bring down the deluge with claps of thunder and lightning which strike the sky which has turned purple. Magical. Snow is even present in the game. A great first. Gaining altitude sometimes makes it possible to witness bucolic moments when the sun sets in the distance, letting the sky take on an amber color that can only be found in California. And what about the sea and these oceans that shine with their realism. Waves, swell and foam give the impression of being in front of a real landscape. Disturbing. The city of Los Santos is therefore a character in its own right and you just have to walk around to see its citizens going about various occupations. Some will try to talk to you, others, in a hurry, won't even glance at you. This graphic beauty is amplified by the sublime modeling of the vehicles which benefit from many details (dashboard, rims, brake system, type of upholstery). It is also in the precision that GTA 5 clearly makes the difference and from this point of view, no one comes close to it.
With more than 1 pages of scripts and 000 lines of dialogue, GTA V is still excessive, but not in a useless way. Every sentence, every conversation, every intervention was meticulously dubbed by actors from all over Hollywood. No big names like in the next Beyond: Two Souls by David Cage (Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe), but a game of actors that simply borders on genius. The latter perfectly embody their character and each of their facial expressions has been transcribed into the game. Again, GTA V takes a leap forward with the integration of facial expressions that were so lacking in GTA IV. Without reaching the level of excellence of LA Noire, another Rockstar production of 2011, the characters of GTA V exude veracity and authenticity. No wonder the publisher wants to continue to impose the subtitled VO, to the chagrin of young virgins who still don't understand a word of English. A good opportunity to get started. Each cutscene in the game is otherwise a discovery and the lack of transition between cut-scenes and gameplay proves once again that the developers at Rockstar have taken a new step in how to tell a video game. Yes, it's unheard of.
Each cutscene in the game is otherwise a discovery and the lack of transition between cut-scenes and gameplay proves once again that the developers at Rockstar have taken a new step in how to tell a video game. Yes, it's unheard of."
To close once and for all this test-river, let's talk about the life of the game, huge like most GTA. As we indicated at the beginning of the text, we finished the game by focusing mainly on the main plot. Admittedly, we indulged in a few side missions and it was after 25 hours of hard play that we were able to discover the end of the game. Our save indicates 70%, which means that there are still quite a few side quests left to be done to reach 100%. However, the lifespan is extended thanks to the replayability of certain missions. We think in particular of the robberies that we can redo, since 2 attack possibilities were proposed each time. Even better, some parts of the main story gave us the choice to take this or that direction, to save the life of a protagonist or to kill him. Here again, it is interesting to come back to these points. It is enough to turn on your smartphone to access this data, since it is thanks to him that you could save your game without having to return home to save your game by taking a nap. Rockstar has also done things well by integrating many automatic checkpoints in the missions, so as not to have to stuff everything again. And for those who struggle too much, it is even possible to skip some too hard sequences and thus continue the adventure without ever getting stuck. The evolution of mentalities friends.