After completing the Disgaea 6 story (Chapter 1 & 2), you will be able to start the bulk of the game and try to overcome the most difficult challenges, including the Carnage Dimension. To do this, you will need to break the level limit of your characters which is fixed at level 9999. To help you achieve this, we show you the path to follow to bring up the carnage dimension in your game and this what you need to do to change the new level cap from 9 to 999.
Disgaea 6 what is the condition to bring up the carnage dimension:
Once you witness the true ending of the game (by completing Chapter 2), you will be notified when you return to base that you can attempt to pass the bill in the Infernal Coven called "Meet the Challenge". of the Overlord". To pass this law, you will need 50 mana knowing that the success rate is about 000%. To get it through on the first try, you can bet on the luck factor, or bribe the deputies or try by force if your team is strong enough.
Remember to make a backup before organizing a meeting to make a claim, if things go wrong you can recharge to recover your mana points. When you have successfully passed the bill, you will have opened up a new dimension in which you can face Laharl and other characters from Disgaea first of the name.
- Bean field (confrontation with the Prinny of Laharl).
- Somewhere (confrontation with Flonne).
- The fortress (confrontation with Etna).
- Harbana (confrontation with Overlord Laharl).
- Somewhere II (confrontation with Flonne & Etna).
- Fortress II (confrontation with Laharl & Etna).
- Harbana II (confrontation with Laharl & Flonne).
- Bean Field II (Clash with Overlord Laharl, Flonne & Etna).
When you have succeeded (knowing that at the last level the "dream team" will be at level 9999), you will unlock the characters Laharl, Flonne, Etna who will join your team as playable characters. You will also have the possibility of passing a new demand to the Infernal Assembly "it's time for carnage" that you can vote for in exchange for 250 mana points.
You will have about a 15% chance of passing this claim to gain access to the Carnage Dimension. Please note that once the Carnage Dimension has opened, you can replay all game (story) cards in the Carnage difficulty setting. You can switch the difficulty of a map via the upper triggers (L or R) of your controller.
How to break the 9999 character level limit in Disgaea 6 game:
If you managed to get the "it's time for carnage" claim passed to the Infernal Coven then know that you can blow the level cap from 9 to 999. , you must use the "ultra reincarnation" function of the infernal assembly. When you are in the menu where you adjust your "unlock type" statistics, switch the tab by pressing L or R to go to the "unlock stats" part. Here you can buy “unlock. limit Lv. carnage” in exchange for 9 Karma points, which increases your level cap from 999 to 999. You will need to do this individually for each of the characters on your team.