If you've spent any time wandering around Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds' Esperance Town, you must have come across a few players on horseback, riding a big furry cat to be more specific. Wondering how they got it? Well, know that any Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds player can unlock this big cat, and even very early in the adventure! This step-by-step guide will explain how to get it!
☆ Note – If you are new to the MMORPG Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds, remember to use the coupon codes which will allow you to obtain a good package of rewards which will be useful to you during your adventure. All coupons can be found at this address: All Gift Codes (Coupons) For Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Game.
Once unlocked, you'll be able to use the Big Cat mount (otherwise known as Charivari in-game) to move around the world of Cross Worlds much faster. Just like your character, the mount can be enhanced with “feathered toy” training materials which increase its hit points, defense or accuracy.
How to get the big white cat mount (Charivari) in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds:
To get your first mount in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds, you must complete a specific quest that takes place in the autumn forest, from Great Uncle Autumn, you know the talking tree that allowed you to get your first pet . Complete the reputation quest given by Great-Uncle Autumn, which is called “An Unexpected Company”. Only here, this quest is unlocked after reaching level 10 with your character and after completing the main quest “Natrum, the Guardian of the World”.
You will get about 1-2 hours of gameplay if you start your Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds adventure before playing this story quest. Once the conditions are met, go to Great Uncle Autumn (you can activate his reputation mission directly from the menu) to let you know that a Charivari is in danger in the defiled part of the autumnal forest . When you rescue him, you'll unlock the big white cat's mount and can travel on his back as you see fit with just one whistle.