Trophies & Achievements Just dance 3
Xbox360 & ps3 tips
Pair of aces
Finish a duet with 2 players having at least 3 stars on both choreos (titles with 2 coaches).
Big Band Theory
Complete a Dance Crew with all 4 players at at least 3 stars (4 coach titles).
Create a choreography in Just Create.
Unhook the stars
Earn at least 3 stars on all choreos in the Titles menu.
Eyes closed !
Earn 5 stars on a title with the Settings menu icons disabled. (excluding Just Create).
Highway to Stars
Earn 5 stars on 2 songs from the Titles menu in a row.
Community member
Play one of your own choreographies.
Complete a song from the Titles menu without missing a single move.
Master Jacques
Earn 3 stars in Jacques Said mode.
Give voice at least once in a song.
Pick up each style once (excluding Just Create).
dance expert
Play 50 titles. (excluding Just Create).
Sweatshirt for the score
Earn 150 Sweat Points and 3 stars on a track with Sweat Mode enabled.
Sweat Me a River
Earn 1 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode enabled.
Pair of aces
Finish a duet with 2 players having at least 4 stars on both choreos (titles with 2 coaches).
Big Band Theory
Complete a Dance Crew with all 4 players at at least 4 stars (4 coach titles).
Create 25 choreographies in Just Create.
Unhook the stars
Earn at least 4 stars on all choreos in the Titles menu.
Eyes closed !
Earn 5 stars/5 titles in a row with icons disabled in Settings. (excluding Just Create).
Highway to Stars
Earn 5 stars on 6 songs from the Titles menu in a row.
Community member
Download a Just Create choreo.
Finish a song from the Titles menu with Good or better on all moves.
Master Jacques
Earn 4 stars in Jacques Said mode.
Give voice at least once in 10 songs.
Land four styles at once! (excluding Just Create).
Dance Pro
Play 100 titles. (excluding Just Create).
Sweatshirt for the score
Earn 250 Sweat Points and 4 stars on a track with Sweat Mode enabled.
Sweat Me a River
Earn 10 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode enabled.
Pair of aces
Finish a duet with 2 players having 5 stars on both choreos (titles with 2 coaches).
Big Band Theory
Complete a Dance Crew with all 4 players at 5 stars (titles at 4 coaches).
Create 50 choreographies in Just Create.
Unhook the stars
Earn 5 stars on all Choreos in the Titles menu.
Eyes closed !
Earn 5 stars/10 titles in a row with icons disabled in Settings. (excluding Just Create).
Highway to Stars
Earn 5 stars on 10 songs from the Titles menu in a row.
Community member
Share one of your own choreographies.
Complete a song from the Titles menu with at least 90% Perfect.
Master Jacques
Earn 5 stars in Jacques Said mode.
Give voice at least once in 20 songs.
Get all styles with the same player in one game! (excluding Just Create)
dance expert
Play 200 titles. (excluding Just Create)
Sweatshirt for the score
Earn 350 Sweat Points and 5 stars on a track with Sweat Mode enabled.
Sweat Me a River
Earn 20 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode enabled.
I could spend the night there! : Dance to all the songs in the Titles menu in a row in the same game.
Master of Just Dance! : Play all songs in the Titles menu at least once.
I am a fan! : Play the same song five times in a row.
The Daltons : Line up 4 players from shortest to tallest in the pregame screen.
dance with the devil : Dance between midnight and 4 am.
Marathon : Dance for over an hour in Non-Stop Shuffle.
Gym du matin : Earn 1 Sweat Points between 000 and 5 a.m. with Sweat Mode enabled.
Saturday night fever : Play for 3 hours between 20 p.m. and 3 a.m. on a Saturday.