An emblematic figure of the Helghast people, Scolar Visari is no more. Shot by ISA forces at the very end of Killzone 2, the bald dictator is now just a bad memory. But knocking down the Emperor is unfortunately not enough for the Helghasts to lay down their arms. It was indeed to forget the Senate and the few generals in a hurry to recover the lost crown and to settle on a henceforth vacant throne. But if there is one person the ISA should be wary of, it is Jorhan Stahl, an ambitious scientist with very long teeth, capable of even betraying his own people to better seize power. It is he who is going to make life difficult for our soldiers ready to die on the front. Like the first two episodes, Killzone 3 will allow the player to take on the role of Tomas Shevchenko, commonly called Shev by his war comrades and easily recognizable by his Iroquois haircut, or almost. Indeed, our hero will be supported by other soldiers as fiery as him, or even more, such as Rico Velasquez, the black on duty, or even Jammer, the only girl in this group of hotheads. Indeed, very quickly, we realize how much we are dealing with soldiers whose only motivation is to eliminate the Helghast threat at all costs and to return home. Because once again, it is on the planet Helghan that the action will take place. An omnipresent action which is reminiscent of certain war FPS, which have now become a reference for the general public.
Behind enemy lines
It's not a scoop for anyone, the Killzone series has always had its eye on the big show and the comparison with Call of Duty is now more than legitimate. Killzone 3 also has nothing to be ashamed of in the face of the best episodes of the Activision franchise, namely the Modern Warfare opuses. From our first steps in the game to the absolutely masterful final sequence, the player will have almost no downtime to recover from his emotions. It's all the more exhilarating that the Guerrilla studio has revised its ambitions upwards, taking into account the errors of Killzone 2. No more repetitive environments, in Killzone 3, you will travel, and not just a little ! If you start the adventure among the ruins of the fortress of Visari, very quickly, you are propelled into a jungle that is hostile to say the least, where the watchword will be discretion. Then, you will be sublimated by the snowy mountains where it will be possible to use for the first time in the series a jetpack, thus offering sequences of very sympathetic platforms, while proposing clashes with different sensations. As you progress through the game, you will be able to discover the metal corridors of a space station where the notion of gravity has purely and simply disappeared; and finally, you can get close to the stars in the final sequence, which is reminiscent of Star Wars. Variety will therefore be in order in Killzone 3, especially since it will be possible to take control of different motorized devices such as an exo-skeleton (very pleasant to handle), an icebreaker, a jet-pack so but also a spaceship, without forgetting the sequences of shooting pigeons on board the flying platforms. This is also the great strength of Guerrilla's FPS, the variety of its actions. To this multiplicity of situations is added a gameplay that has continued to improve over the episodes. If we were able to appreciate the hide and shoot inherited from the Third Person Shooter, the latter is much better managed in this third episode. Combine this action with a small slide performed beforehand and your character can zigzag through enemy bullets and mortar fire. Better still, in close combat, it is even possible to trigger a small animation which acts as a silent execution. The result is sometimes surprising, but always remains exhilarating. In terms of graphics and production in general, we are close to perfection with a staging that is still as cinematic, accumulating the sequences of anthology. For those who swear by the beauty of a game, be reassured, Killzone 3 is one of the most beautiful FPS of the moment, even the most beautiful games today. It will indeed not be uncommon to stop to contemplate the environments or those little details that often make the difference.
Variety will therefore be required in Killzone 3, especially since it will be possible to take control of different motorized vehicles [...]. To this multiplicity of situations is added a gameplay that has continued to improve over the episodes.
If it will not take more than 6/7 hours to overcome the single player campaign, know that you can redo it with your roommate or a friend passing through the house. The game indeed manages the coop' but only in split screen, which risks disappointing some players, exhilarated at the idea of fragguer Helghast in tandem. To have fun with others, you will have to go to the multiplayer mode, which is also well calibrated and which could even be a very good alternative to that of Call of Duty: Black Ops. If we find the classic modes, it is above all the Guerrilla Warfare and Operation modes that should attract attention. These allow you to adopt different techniques from other game modes, whether you are alone or in a team. Add to that the possibility of using the jet-pack and taking control of the exoskeletons, and it's long connected evenings online that await you. The only downside is that the level design of certain maps sometimes lacks ingenuity, which tends to favor certain maps to the detriment of others, thus limiting the choice of playing fields. game know that Killzone 3 is compatible with PlayStation Move. A nice addition on paper but which turns out to be quite anecdotal in the end. The actions being important to say the least and the game favoring sometimes increased reflexes, it is difficult to find happiness with Sony's sex toy which is certainly precise in its movements, but above all lacks responsiveness in hot moments. Nothing beats the good old DualShock 3. Another annoying point: the audio mixing. We don't really know if it's only the French version, but the distribution of sounds in 5.1 is simply poorly managed, not to say catastrophic. We then often find ourselves with minimalist explosions while the dialogue attacks our eardrums. But faced with so many qualities and the positive evolution of the series, this defect becomes almost minor and we can only advise you to jump on it when it comes out. It will be without regret, we promise you!
In addition to the Killzone 3 test, don't forget to watch our video test!