Metro 2033 Redux: tips and cheat codes
Platinum TrophyObtain all trophies.
AirbenderKill 50 humans with pneumatic weapons
CowboyKill 100 opponents using revolvers.
DemolitionistDestroy the tunnel and the airlock at the CURSED STATION.
DJ ArtyomReach the radio transmitter and broadcast the commander's message to the OUTPOST
IlluminatedFinding the truth.
Stalker KillerKill 20 walkers.
Fire !Kill 30 opponents with incendiary grenades.
GenerousHelp the poor, give money to the child, care for the sick. Help everyone.
ShooterKill 100 enemies using a shotgun.
BookwormKill a Librarian.
Camouflage MasterKill all the reds and fachos in the FRONTLINE level.
HunterKill 200 mutants
InquisitorKill 2 demons.
Invisible ManComplete the FRONTLINE level without killing anyone.
Boom!Explode 30 opponents.
Manhattan ProjectSpend 60 seconds in a highly radioactive place.
Easy triggerKill 100 enemies with Assault Rifles.
Health!Drink at every opportunity.
ClementComplete THE DARK STATION level without knocking out or killing any enemies.
Subway MerchantClose 30 deals in weapon shops.
SerpentStealth kill 15 enemies
NinjaKill 30 opponents by throwing knives
nosalis hunterThere are 100 nosalis.
AnatomistsKill 5 amoebas.
BloggerComplete all 51 pages of Artyom's Hidden Notebook.
PyromaniacKill 30 opponents using a flamethrower.
Trigger NervesKill the HUNTER level Nosalis before they get through the vents.
CommandoSilently kill the first DEPOT guard and enter the fascist station without being seen.
CleaningFind all ranger hideouts in the Dead City.
ranger lifeguardSave a group of reds from the clutches of fascists.
chest breakerOpen 15 safes.
MiserStore 1 military grade ammo.
electrifyingDestroy 30 targets with the Inferno.
Fine lameKill 30 human enemies in close combat.
SniperKill 30 human enemies with a headshot.
SniperKill 15 human enemies with a headshot from at least 30 yards away.
magic handsDisarm 15 traps.
Spartan 2033Complete the game on Spartan mode.
spider killerKill 10 spiders.
Professional stunnerKnock out 30 human enemies in close combat.
Survival 2033Complete the game in Survival mode.
CharKill 10 enemies in a row without taking damage.
TonicUse a medi-pack 75 times.
If it's hostile, kill itBecome a real ranger.
GuerrierKill 100 human enemies.
Howler SlayerKill 50 howlers.
GunsmithKill at least one enemy with every weapon available in the game.
The king of trickerySell 500 pieces of 5.45 caliber military grade ammo at exchange kiosks.
Who is here ?Wipe your gas mask 20 times.
Metro last light redux
Platinum TrophyObtain all trophies.
Air !Consume 30 minutes of filters
AntibiotiqueKill 100 mutants.
Back to the pastSee all the visions in the Dead City.
Big MamaKill the rhino.
That's lifeDestroy D6.
perfect escapeEscape the fachos in LE REICH level without getting caught once.
CommandoRescue the women and children from the BANDITS level without triggering the alarm.
DerailedKill all armed enemies in the REVOLUTION level, including reinforcements
EdisonTurn off 40 lights without breaking them.
EngineerUse 10 toggle switches.
extreme vigilanceDisarm 10 traps.
RangerProtect the bear from howlers after the fight.
Freedom !Free the prisoners.
invisible intruderComplete the SEPARATION level without killing or triggering the alarm.
unseen saviorComplete the FACILITY level without killing or setting off the alarm.
invisible soldierComplete the REVOLUTION level without killing or triggering the alarm.
Cheers !Drink at every opportunity.
MouseComplete the ECHOES level without being spotted by the howlers.
Prohibited firearmsKill 10 enemies in a row with throwing knives.
not a rabbitComplete the ASH level without being injured.
PatronWatch the entire Theater show.
PublishedComplete all 43 pages of Artyom's Hidden Notebook.
PyromaniacBurn 50 cobwebs.
RabbitEnd the workout.
Self-control in the rainComplete the BRIDGE level without killing.
RedemptionSave D6.
Reunion IslandFind the child's stuffed animal and return it to him.
RevelationGet Moskvin to confess with the help of the Dark One.
VengeanceKill Pavel.
SaviourRemove your mask when Lesnitsky asks.
Get out!Kill the howlers attacking the handcar without taking any damage.
SecretDiscover the plans of the reds.
UmberStealth kill 15 enemies.
SoldierKill 100 human enemies.
TurtlePut 10 spiders on the back.
VeteranChoose three main weapons with different ammunition.
A hair's breadth awayEscape from the Red Line.
Survival 2034Complete the game in Survival mode.
Spartan 2034Complete the game on Spartan mode.
Robbery KingOpen 10 safes.
The SaboteurComplete the SNIPER TEAM level.
KshatriyaComplete the KSHATRIYA level.
Long live the Reich!Complete the HEAVY DUTY level.
Test completedComplete the TOWER level.
In the flamesComplete the SPIDER HOUSE level.
Junior Backend Developer (Intern)Spend 1 hour in the DEVELOPER tier.
Warning !Complete the PAVEL level.
No ExitComplete the KHAN level.
dawn of hopeComplete the ANNA level.