NBA 2K22's Meet the Designers quest has been causing trouble for many online players recently. Many don't know how to complete the quest or even find it, which has caused confusion among players around the world. Luckily, we've wrapped it all up here for you, so completing this quest should be a piece of cake.
Your designer will vary depending on your city affiliation, whether it's the North Side Knights, South City Vipers, Western Wildcats, or Beasts of the East. Carlos, Sasha, Sarah and Andrew are each affiliated with a different city. Head to the clothing store in the town your player is affiliated with. Once you get the clothes, head to the City Runway and show off your cut. To complete the quest, players will only need to wear the outfit to the next game they play and the quest will end.
What to wear for Carlos
For Carlos, all players will need to purchase a headband. This headband is 1000VC, so it should be relatively affordable for anyone who hasn't blown all their VC purchase jerseys. Equip the headband and head to the City Runway to get Carlos' endorsement check for your outfit.
What to wear for Sasha
For Sasha, go to the clothing store and buy a main logo hoodie. The team shouldn't matter, so feel free to buy one for the team of your choice. After getting it, head to the City Runway and show it. You should receive a completed objective at this point, telling you that the outfit has been approved for Sasha.
What to wear for Sarah
For Sarah, buy anything from the store where her affiliate city is located. Players have also reported completing this quest wearing either a Luka jersey or an Adidas compression shirt, so keep that in mind if his city's outfits aren't working. Once you have the outfit, head to the town track to complete this part of the quests.
What to wear for Apollo
For Apollo, players will need to equip khaki pants and a gray suit to complete his requirements. From there, head back to the town track to complete this part of the quest and move on to the NBA game requirement.
By following the guidelines above, players should absolutely be able to clear each of the Meet the Designers questlines. Be sure to check out all of our NBA 2K22 guides here! NBA 2K22 is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.