In Disgaea 6, it is possible to recover a whole bunch of pieces of equipment as we progress in the adventure, essential to reinforce the “not at all exaggerated” statistics of our characters. Not all weapons and armor found in the game are created equal, with some being rarer than others or adding more points to stats. One thing is certain, however, it is possible to take advantage of the "world of objects" to improve any equipment in the game.
If you take your first steps into the underworld alongside Zed, "the zombie who tries to defeat the Divine Death-Tructor", you might as well equip him well. That's good, you can very easily get your first piece of legendary armor from the start of your adventure, as soon as you have access to the HUB of the underworld. This is where you can trade and manage all aspects of your characters before stepping through the Dimensional Gate to continue the story.
Find and obtain the Cerberus outfit (legendary item) from Disgaea 6 Complete:
Cerberus' armor is a hidden legendary item that can be found in the underworld. You'll find it in a chest outside the map boundary. You can exit the area from the underworld hospital side. There are wooden crates between the data master and the “Spiritist” shop. Jump on these crates and you should be able to get out of the exploration area with a new jump. Turn your camera to have a view of the walls of the walls with L1 / R1 (PlayStation) or L / R (Switch) and move towards the dimensional door to find the chest in question.
What you need to know about the Cerberus outfit from Disgaea 6 Complete:
At first glance, you won't understand why the Cerberus outfit is classified as a "legendary" item. Indeed, it does not increase any of the basic statistics! However, it does have a use, look at the second line of statistics at the bottom of the item card to understand that the item (once equipped) increases your movement by 1, your jump by 5, and your hit rate 10% critical.

You will be able to improve your Cerberus outfit by climbing the floors of the item world (level of the first floor ≃1119) and you can add basic statistics by using "innocents" via the dedicated function of the item world to make the armor even more interesting over time. To go further with this armor, we advise you when you can to explore its world and try to rob the enemies from floor 100. You might have some interesting surprises!