It must be said that his adventures did not end as he intended in the first inFAMOUS, so much so that this second episode starts off with a bang. Barely the game started, our hero must get rid of the Beast (The Beast in VO), a gigantic being made of lava and electricity and who has only one objective in life: to destroy everything on its passage. Unfortunately, as is often the case in video games, Cole begins the adventure with humility. Mean by that that he is totally devoid of his hallucinating powers. Admittedly, he is able to send large electric sheaves to his opponent and to call upon lightning like an enraged Thor, but his abilities stop there. This is also why it will be difficult to die in this first sequence which is only intended to introduce the scenario of inFAMOUS 2 with panache. The latter therefore picks up where the events of the first left off. opus, with the only difference that McGrath is now weakened. Then follows a long journey before our man can find his enthusiasm of yesteryear. Empire City being today only ruins and desolation, the developers took care to create a whole new city, answering the name of New Marais. A place with a sad atmosphere and where the inhabitants are as frightened as they are amazed by the presence of our hero. Those who have had the opportunity to play, or even finish, the first episode will navigate familiar territory, Sucker Punch contenting itself with taking up the basics of the first part and amplifying them in a consistent way. If the first missions are quite directives, very quickly, the game is moving towards an open world, open world as they say, then offering a totally libertarian gameplay, even downright enjoyable.
The (Mc)Grath move
This is largely due to the acrobatic abilities of our hero, who has absolutely nothing to envy the Yamakasi. You have to see with what disconcerting ease Cole clings to the ledges, climbs the drainpipes and jumps from roof to roof without ever getting hurt. Better, thanks to his powers, he can downright grind on high voltage lines, his best means of transport to travel around the city without getting too tired. Because even if New Marais displays often overloaded traffic, our video game David Belle will not be able to borrow a car or even use the buses and other trams that run through the city. Cole will therefore have to rely on himself and his ability to sneak anywhere to chain the missions. Initiated in the first part, the GTA-like side is very present in inFAMOUS 2, with its main missions allowing you to progress in the story and the side quests, the primary objective of which is to vary the pleasures and above all take the time to stroll through New Marais. It is also strongly advised not to denigrate these little escapades – sometimes bucolic – since they allow Cole to recover orbs allowing him to change his characteristics. Quite weak at the start (Cole has trouble resisting enemy bullets), our athlete can develop his skills via an intimate skill tree linked to his actions. Like the first episode, the player is totally free in his actions thanks to the concept of Karma. If he is the kind defender of the widow and the orphan, he will be given certain powers, while doing evil around him allows you to unlock other skills, often more enjoyable it must be admitted. A concept based on Karma therefore and which has a role to play in the various missions. Because Cole's choices will not be limited to this morality, the decisions taken by the player having a direct impact on the rest of the adventure. Following Zeke's advice or letting yourself be seduced by the charming words of Nix, one of the game's new female characters, such is built inFAMOUS 2, which is not content just to chain missions stupidly.
Initiated in the first part, the GTA-like side is very present in inFAMOUS 2, with its main missions allowing you to progress in the story and the side quests, the primary objective of which is to vary the pleasures and above all take the time to stroll through New Marais."
Of course, following requires, the title of Sucker Punch displays other significant novelties, such as the possibility of using the amplifier, a defense weapon that looks like a U-shaped padlock and that Cole can charge with electricity. A fairly formidable weapon, especially in melee and which is also scalable. If the combos at the start are quite basic with the utensil, they become more complex later, which makes it possible to achieve very nice finish moves. In terms of powers, Cole has been given a few additional movements, like the Kinectic Pulse which allows him to levitate any object in the decor and then send it against an enemy. Cans, debris, pole and even car, nothing can resist the powers of McGrath who can have fun blowing up everything around him. Otherwise, be aware that this suite offers a mission editor called UGC (nothing to do with the cinema complex) for User Generated Content. Via software, not always very simple but with many possibilities, the player can completely personalize his mission by placing the enemies and the items as he sees fit and impose an order of missions that it is possible to share afterwards in line. A rather interesting addition, but which risks quickly boring the lazy player who prefers to be guided by the already well-crafted scenario. Technically, inFAMOUS 2 is doing pretty well too, even if the aliasing is clearly the disturbing element. The game is not stingy with explosions of all kinds, it is not uncommon to see this nasty little staircase effect appear around our hero. Otherwise, it is true that the textures are quite uneven, but overall, inFAMOUS 2 does not have to blush in the face of the competition, the city of New Marais was twice as large as that of Empire City and above all stuffed small details that largely compensate for these negligence. Without forgetting that the presence of an active population makes it possible to give life to the city of New Marais and which, it is recalled, reacts according to the acts perpetrated by Cole McGrath. But if there is one point on which it is difficult to attack inFAMOUS 2, it is its great variety in its missions, its scenario full of twists and this freedom of movement which would make a certain Ezio Auditore green.