Test Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator: a big fat cocksucker game!

Test Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator: a big fat cocksucker game!And the answer is: if you're not close to 2€, run and buy Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator! The game is funny, original and devoid of any real vulgarity despite the "insulting" concept. But be warned that to be able to take advantage of it, you will absolutely have to master English. A localization in French would have been appreciable, but it is easy to imagine that this would have resulted in a significant additional cost. Because not only is the game fully doubled, and even several times for each piece of sentence since different characters are at our disposal, but it would also have been necessary to adapt the gameplay to French grammar and expressions. A job that goes far beyond the framework of simple translation. Let's take our part and take the opportunity to enrich our English vocabulary with a few flowery expressions! The games take the form of a real duel of insults, where two characters compete around a totally crazy fictional situation.


Test Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator: a big fat cocksucker game!One of the characters brings a dead parrot back to the pet store but the salesman assures him that he is just resting. Two onlookers meet around a corpse and one accuses the other of having killed the poor man. Two travelers are vying for a first class seat on a train journey. And, in solo, we even end up facing God himself at the gates of paradise. In addition to these different contexts, we can therefore choose from several characters, all endowed with a so British humor. Each of them has a weak point, which can usually be discovered by reading the small bio dedicated to them. We will come back later on the interest of this discovery. But before that, let's clarify what the actual gameplay consists of. The duels take place on a turn-by-turn basis around a common pot of nine phrase pieces, each character alternately drawing the one of their choice. The strategy is required because it is not only necessary to try to form grammatically correct and funny sentences while preventing the adversary from doing the same.

In order to optimize his insults, it is necessary to try as much as possible to approach the same subject several times in a row, in order to make combos and score more points.


Test Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator: a big fat cocksucker game!Sometimes, we will therefore choose a word only with a view to depriving our competitor of it. Once our sentence is finished (by satisfaction or by obligation, lack of remaining words), we finish it with a click, and each character declaims his masterpiece. Depending on the relevance, length and humor of the insult, the opponent's life bar is reduced by a greater or lesser number of points. A few subtleties enrich this concept, starting with the presence of two personal words, which the other player can neither select nor even see. It is also possible to drink tea, in order to renew this mini-list and, possibly, finish a sentence in style. In order to optimize his insults, it is necessary to try as much as possible to approach the same subject several times in a row, in order to make combos and score more points. Finally, among the sentence fragments sometimes slip three small dots ("…"), which serve to put a sentence on hold and keep it for the next insult. This makes it possible to avoid blockages (a sentence that ends in a fishtail earns 0 points, while a grammatically incorrect sentence immediately removes a few points from our life bar) but also to keep some under the elbow so that the next insult is even more resounding. However, there is a subtlety in subtlety, since if ever the opponent realizes an insult worth more than 15 points, then the pending sentence is simply canceled. Finally, the weak points of each character mentioned above allow you to still score more points, when choosing parts of sentences related to their Achilles heel. Mrs Maggie doesn't like people to talk about her age, Mr Shufflebottom is touchy about his style of dress, Nigel is complex about his physique, etc.


Test Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator: a big fat cocksucker game!Pleasing in its tactics, the game also hits the bull's eye thanks to its goofy atmosphere, which is as much about the situations, the characters, the polygonal graphic style as the sometimes hilarious results of the creation of insults. "Your son donated his organs for an ordinary pigsty and doesn't have a color television, and everyone knows it!", "Your dear aunt has bad breath and your wife still uses Windows Vista!" or even "You dance like your math teacher and your sister poses naked for the communists" are for example good candidates to score a lot of points and trigger hilarity in the room (if you play against a friend who is physically present) or to both sides of the Internet (if you play online). The point counting system works well most of the time, but it can occasionally be irrelevant, especially when it awards a lot of points to a sentence that is somewhat lacking in meaning and offensiveness. But "bugs" of this type are rare. Similarly, we can possibly blame the game for not offering us enough varied pieces of sentences, but there is still enough to have fun for several hours before feeling tired. Moreover, the developers show humor until the end, since by participating in 100 duels, you will unlock an achievement entitled “It gets boring after an hour”. But don't worry, you'll need more than 5 or 6 before picking up!


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