Who does not know Worms, a cult that has now become a classic for players from all walks of life. Starting from a very simple concept, namely a confrontation between two teams in a 2D setting. So far, nothing extraordinary. But here, it's ter worms that make their show with crazy weapons and we can only get caught up in the game. Awaited for ages, the new Worms finally arrives on consoles and PC, but we must recognize that the expectation may have turned into concern for some: Indeed, this new opus is undergoing an inevitable and therefore unprecedented facelift in 3D, a turning point for the series. For Team 17, the most difficult thing was to keep the same spirit that made Worms so successful by using the potential brought by the new dimension. There is no doubt that this Worms 3D had no right to disappoint its fans.
2D - 3D, the same fight.
Yes, the change is striking, we are really entering a new dimension and you can feel it right away. Initially, the change proves even upsetting as it will truly change the way you play Worms; too bad for the 2D Worms pros who will have to relearn how to tease the pad. To get to the heart of the matter, the grip is initially very mediocre because you also have to have a talent as a cameraman to constantly turn this damn camera using the analog stick in all directions if you don't want not end up stupidly in the water or lying on a mine. So don't worry, during your first games, you are almost obliged to take a severe beating from your enemies the worms.
Let's talk about these enemy worms since they are so intelligent! Indeed, the level of the computer is very high, it even becomes frustrating at times.
Of course, the games always play out the same way. You must perform your action for a set time to try to eradicate the opposing team. For this, we provide you with a fairly large arsenal ranging from the now classic shotgun shot, through the baseball bat, grenades, flying sheep, air attack, in short, the fans will not be disappointed to find their favorite toys. You also have the possibility of picking up crates containing various bonuses (weapons, lives, etc.). We always find the indication of the wind which turns out to be very important when we switch to the internal view. In possession of a weapon, you can switch to internal view like an 'FPS', but be careful, you have to know how to master it!
Worms + 3D = Fun ?
If there is one point where we cannot blame this new opus, it is the decorations, what would Worms be without its wacky environments... Here, we find the landing beach in Normandy, an office, fruit and lots of other variants straight out of the delirium of the English developers, and we can say that they were happy to include everything that came into their heads. It should also be noted that all these sets are fully destructible, which offers an even greater strategy. Technically, the 3D engine remains quite efficient for this kind of game, even if we sometimes come across small collision bugs in the PS2 version which is well below the others (GC and Xbox) at this level.
Our friends the verses are not tender and they always know the language of Molière, we have fun hearing them insult each other throughout the game. The little Worms benefited from excellent modeling; it's a pleasure to see them evolve in a jet-pack or take themselves for Bruce Lee with a Ninja headband and hear him moan.
Moreover, the sound atmosphere remains rather cool overall with nice sound effects and especially with an intro music signed Junior Senior. Thanks to this, Worms 3D always keeps this same fun and pleasant atmosphere.
Once the game is launched, I strongly advise you to go for a walk in the tutorial mode which provides an almost obligatory service in this new world in relief. The shooting range will also be perfect to become the new James Bond of this Worms. Once this is successful, all you have to do is survey the campaign mode, it remains identical to those already used in the old episodes. Each "mission" is initiated by a small scene and the war can finally begin! As you progress through this endless single-player mode, you unlock different challenges that I leave it to you to discover...
What's great with Worms is that you can play with these friends only with a single controller, so it would be stupid to deprive yourself of the multi-player mode which is completely configurable: Time, weapons, create own glass team and other details. When you get to the end of a night of play with friends, you realize how rich the levels are. At this time, Worms takes back all its letters of nobility and it is a treat. After long hours of play, we even manage to exploit 3D as it should to annihilate its enemies. Even if in the end some will be disappointed by some imperfections that haunt this Worms 3D, the vitaminized atmosphere of the title can only delight the fans.