The Elder Scrolls Online invites you to discover, alone or with others, the world that made the success of The Elder Scrolls saga. In this MMORPG, you will have to save the land of Tamriel from the clutches of the abominable Molag Bal who takes pleasure in spreading terror. By defeating him, take the head of Tamriel at the same time. You also have the option of looking for the different trophies contained in the game, which you can discover in our guide below.
The Elder Scrolls Online: TIPS AND CHEAT CODES of the game
Alliance War Recruit / 5G
Obtain Recruit rank in Warrior Alliance
Close Call Kill / 5G
Get a kill while under 5% health in Warrior Alliance
Cut and Run / 5G
Evade a guard after choosing the "Quickness" option in the Dialog window
Lycanthropy / 5G
Become a werewolf
Support the Flight / 5G
Help harvest resources (Farm, Sawmill or Mine) and keep them in Cyrodiil
Vampirism / 5G
Become a Vampire
Soul Shriven in Coldharbour / 5G
Complete Chapter 1 of the Main Quest
The Harborage / 5G
Complete Chapter 1.5 of the Main Quest
Daughter of Giants / 5G
Complete Chapter 2 of the Main Quest
Chasing Shadow / 5G
Complete Chapter 2.5 of the Main Quest
Castle of the Worm / 5G
Complete Chapter 3 of the Main Quest
The Tharn Speaks / 5G
Complete Chapter 3.5 of the Main Quest
The Halls of Torment / 5G
Complete Chapter 4 of the Main Quest
The Valley of Blades / 5G
Complete Chapter 4.5 of the Main Quest
The Shadow of Sancre Tor / 5G
Complete Chapter 5 of the Main Quest
Council of the Five Champions / 5G
Complete Chapter 5.5 of the Main Quest
Alliance Style Master / 10G
Learn all Racial Alliance styles
Arch-Mage / 10G
Complete Mages Guild Quests
Coldharbour Master Explorer / 10G
Discover and clear the six caves and landmarks in Clodharbour
Cyrodiil Cave Delver / 10G
Explore and clear the 18 caves of Cyrodiil
Dawn of a Champion / 10G
Spend your first Champion Point
Fighters Guild Veteran / 10G
Complete Fighters Guild Quests
Aldmeri Dominion Conqueror / 20G
Defeat all champions in the Aldmeri Dominion Public Dungeon
Aldmeri Master Explorer / 20G
Discover and clear all locations and caves in Aldmeri Dominion Territory
Daggerfall Covenant Conqueror / 20G
Defeat all Ebonheart Pack Public Dungeon champions
Master Fisher / 20G
Complete all fishing achievements
Rare Style Master / 20G
Learn all rare racial styles
Tamriel Skyshard Hunter / 20G
Find all Skyshards scattered throughout Tamriel
Vanquisher of the Covenant / 20G
Beat all bosses in Daggerfall Covenant Group Dungeons
Vanquisher of the Dominion / 20G
Beat all bosses in Aldmeri Dominion Group Dungeons
Vanquisher of the Pact / 20G
Defeat all bosses in Ebonheart Pack Group Dungeons
Anchors Away / 30G
Destroy every Dark Anchor in Tamriel
Indecent Exposure / 30G
Have removed clothing from all of your armor slots taken over by a guard at once
Level 50 Hero / 30G
Reach level 50
The God of Schemes / 30G
Complete Chapter 6 of the Main Quest
Cyrodiil Champion / 50G
Complete all quests in Cyrodiil
Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion / 50G
Complete Aldmeri Domination
Hero of the Ebonheart Pact / 50G
Complete the Pact of Ebonheart
Hero of the Daggerfall Covenant / 50G
Terminer Daggerfall Covenant
Craglorn Completist / 100G
Eliminate the Serpent threat in Craglorn
Emperor ! / 100G
Dominate the Alliance War and become Emperor of Tamriel. May your reign be long!
General Executioner / 100G
Destroy all Malog Bal generals that spawn with Black Anchors