Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in the game Torchlight 2 on PC. Activate the codes below in case the characteristics of each class in the game are not enough to help you defeat the forces of evil.
Trophies & Achievements Torchlight 2
PC Tips
To unlock the console, go to the following game directory "C:/Users/administrator/My Games/Runic Games/Torchlight 2/Save/number". Open the settings.txt file and replace the line "Console: 0" with "Console: 1". The console is now accessible by pressing the Insert key.
AIFREEZE | Enable or disable enemy AI |
ALLITEMS | Spawn all items |
ALLSTATS | Max Stats |
ALWAYSCRIT | Permanent critical hits |
ASCEND | Go down one floor |
CLS | Clear console history |
DEFENSE | more defense points |
DESCEND | Go up one floor |
DEXTERITY | more dexterity points |
DIFFICULTY | Show difficulty |
DISABLEPET | Disable fart |
FAME | more reputation points |
FPS | Show Frame Rate |
GOD | Enable God Mode |
GODSPEED | Enable God Mode and Speed Mode |
HELP | See the list of commands |
IDENTIFYALL | Identify all inventory items |
ITEM , | Get # objects (replace object with object name) |
KILLALL | Eliminate all monsters |
LEVELUP | Level up |
MAGIC | more magic points |
MONEY | more money |
NOXP | XP no longer increases |
PLAYERNOTARGET | Player is no longer targeted |
QUESTCOMPLETE | Validate a quest (replace quest with a quest name) |
RESETPETLEVEL | Player pet returns to level 1 |
RESETPLAYER | Reset stats, skills and level |
RESETPLAYER LEVEL | The player returns to level 1 |
RESETSKILL | Skills are reset |
RESETSTATS | Stat points are reset |
RESTARTLEVEL | Restart the current level |
SETDIFFICULTY | Choose the difficulty |
SETPETLEVEL | Choose the level of his fart |
SETTIME | Choose the time of day |
WEEKLY <#> | Choose the timescale |
SHOWBLOOD | activate the blood |
SKILLPOINTS | more skill points |
SPEED | Faster character |
STATPOINTS | more stat points |
STRENGTH | more melee points |