In this guide, we show you everything you need to know about iron ore in V-Rising and how to turn it into iron ingots. We tell you the tool needed to extract this resource from the game, the best place to find it and give you some tips that will make your job easier.
You will necessarily need to find iron arrived at a certain stage of your adventure, in particular to manufacture the throne of command which will be used to give orders to your human servants and to obtain more powerful equipment.
Attack level too low, which tool to use to mine iron ore in V-Rising:
If you have started exploring the farmlands of Dunley which is located north of Farbane Wood, you have certainly come across the iron veins which require a relatively high level of attack to extract the iron ore they contain. contain. Neither a copper mace nor a copper sword will be powerful enough to chip rocks that contain iron. You will need a more powerful tool, the Ruthless Copper Mace or a weapon of equivalent power with gear level 12.
If you can't craft the "ruthless" rank of V-Rising Copper Weapons & Tools yet, you're going to have to farm bandit camps looking for paper. Indeed, you will unlock the recipes for "ruthless" equipment at your research desk. With a little luck, you will even find a book containing the recipe you are looking for, which will save you from having to go and collect dozens of sheets of paper.

Ruthless Copper Mace crafting recipe:
For example, the ruthless copper sledgehammer (recommended tool for iron mining) is crafted at a simple workbench in exchange for a copper sledgehammer, two coarse topazes, eight sharpening stones and four pieces of copper.
What is the best place to go to get iron ore (to turn into iron ingot) in V-Rising:
Outside of Dunley Farmland Militia villages and camps, you will occasionally come across isolated rocks that contain iron. Like copper or sulfur, iron ore is easy to spot thanks to its bluish color. However, there is a more interesting area in Dunley's farmland where you can mine very large amounts of iron. This is the Haunted Iron Mine! Take a look at the map below to see where it is and the shape of the area.
★ Tip 1 – Even without a ruthless rank weapon or tool, you will be able to scavenge iron from the haunted iron mine in Dunley farmland. Indeed, inside the mine, you will come across chests that contain iron and even decorative elements such as crates and wooden barrels can reveal iron once you have destroyed them.
When you have enough iron ore on you, all you have to do is go to your castle and use the furnace there to transform all your ore into iron ingots. Don't forget that to get the recipe for the ingots, you will need to have eliminated the carrier of blood V, Quincey the king of the bandits who is a level 37 opponent.
★ Tip 2 – With your first iron ingots, we advise you to add an iron floor under your forge and create a room with a door around it. If you meet this condition, your future iron ingots will cost you 25% less in iron ore. It can be worth the cost over time!