World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?

World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?World War Z therefore offers two major game modes: online versus, or campaign, and it is of course with the latter that we started. The story therefore offers four scenarios, each taking place in a well-defined geographical area, and with different protagonists. During a game, we therefore play as a member of a squad of 4, the other characters being either played by other players when we are online, or directed by the AI ​​in the event of an offline game. You understood, so it's a game designed for cooperation, and as always, we can only advise you to play with humans, especially since the matchmaking system is pretty good, and avoids a noob to end up with seasoned players. Four adventures are therefore available, with a stroll in New York and in the corridors of its subway, a short visit to a museum in Moscow, an escape to the port in Tokyo, or even the rescue of a scientist in Jerusalem. Without spoiling the few twists and turns of these mini-campaigns, they are rather well put together, and very pleasant to play, especially thanks to the well-thought-out level-design which allows the player to continue to discover things even after several passages.




World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?If the appearance of our character is predefined, we will have six different classes to adapt it to our style of play. swear by special weapons will take on the Exterminator, while the Slasher is a melee pro. The two remaining categories are cut out for support, with the Fixer who can spin ammo to his buddies, and the Medic who heals them. Each class is not very different at first, but the more you play, the more S points (the game currency) you will be able to invest in skills, and thus benefit from completely abused bonuses. Better, we can also spend our money on weapons, in order to loot (or have from the start) much more powerful pop guns. Traditionally, each player starts the game with an Uzi and a silenced Colt 45, which forces players to scan every corner of the map in the hope of finding a better weapon. The guns are also classified into three categories, Tier 1 and Tier 2 grouping pistols, SMGs and assault rifles, while Tier 3 contains special weapons (that cannot be reloaded) devastating like the spear -grenades, the heavy machine gun, or the .50cal rifle with explosive bullets.


The waves of zombies are also quite pleasant to see, the developers having created nice crowd effects, which gives a very realistic behavior to the whole.


World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?Those who like to make zombie lint will therefore be able to have a great time, especially since the hitbox of undeads is particularly detailed, with many dismemberment effects. Depending on the weapon and the member targeted, the game will thus gratify us with pretty, very gory scenes, with spurts of blood and the sound of flesh torn off. Strangely enough, some enemies do not benefit from these refinements, including the very solid Bulls (ex-shock cops in riot suits), or the Creepers (who hide and jump on the first player who passes in front of them) . Moreover, each type of specialized zombie will require a specific approach. It is thus necessary to taser the Bulls before attacking them, to kill the Hazmat from afar and to avoid the toxic cloud which escapes from their combination pierced by our bullets, and to eliminate in priority the Howlers who call for (many) reinforcements with their cries. Nevertheless, the progression remains rather linear, with levels-corridors interspersed with vast zones in which have must resist the attack of a horde. The waves of zombies are also quite pleasant to see, the developers having created nice crowd effects, which gives a very realistic behavior to the whole. Unfortunately, the machines cannot display billions of zombies on the ground, the disappearance of the bodies is quite fast, and we cannot therefore contemplate a field of corpses after the action.




World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?By stacking stiffs, we also earn XP points that will be used to unlock the abilities of each class (yes, the one we have to buy), which makes our character more powerful, and thus able to go and rub shoulders with higher difficulty levels. If you survive the first two levels of difficulty without worry by playing for your apple, and with a team put together in a hurry, we admit that the challenge is much more difficult from the fourth level (out of 5). At this point, there is no longer any question of stupidly desoldering zombies, since survival then requires flawless group cohesion, a team made up absolutely of a medic and a fixer that the other players defend, and above all by great proximity physics between all the characters. The zombies becoming sacred PV bags, the first who goes on an adventure usually ends up on the ground within a minute, forcing his comrades to take enormous risks to come and relieve him. The team being of 4 players, we cannot have the 6 existing classes, which inevitably requires making choices, and also makes it possible to test several combinations in order to pass this or that level. Still, before getting there, you will have to grind fairly repetitive missions, which can ultimately tire the least patient players among you.




World War Z test: finally a worthy heir for Left 4 Dead?To flesh out this somewhat skimpy content, Saber Interactive has also added a competitive multiplayer mode in World War Z. Clearly integrated as an afterthought, the latter only offers very classic modes that are not exactly unforgettable. The six match types roughly resume the classics Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, King of the Hill, etc... The only variation comes from the fact that the developers have introduced the famous waves of zombies in certain modes, which pushes the players to be at the mill and the stove between the objective, the zombies and the opposing players. In versus, the game then offers 10 classes, each with a specific weapon, which will favor one or the other tactical situation depending on your gun. Unfortunately, the shooting sensations remain average, and we quickly end up camping everywhere, while taking advantage of the third-person camera to monitor the angles. You understood, we will not buy World War Z for its versus mode, especially since the matchmaking does not seem as good, which can lead a novice to a server full of players who have leveled up their class, and have abused advantages.


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