A shitty death! Find out in which mission and in which place you can kill the enemy in the mobile toilet! The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 campaign has been available for a few days in early access. Many players have embarked on this solo experience while waiting for the official release of the game, which will unlock online multiplayer modes as well as cooperative special operations. To pass the time, you can complete the campaign in its different difficulty modes and try to unlock all its secrets.
☆ Note – If your goal is to fully complete the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 campaign and unlock all the trophies & achievements along the way, you will need to find the three safes in the game and use the correct combinations to open them. Here is a guide that will make it easier for you: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Guide What Are The Campaign Safe Combinations.
Where is the enemy to kill in mobile toilet in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 :
You can find the enemy who is in the mobile toilet by playing mission 12 "troubled waters". The one where Soap, Alejandro, Ghost, Graves and the Shadow Company go to an oil platform to prevent the launch of a missile. Shortly after the start of the mission, you will climb stairs to the upper levels of the oil rig with the other members of Shadow Company.
As you go up, don't let yourself be destabilized by the enemies who will emerge from the buildings. Look slightly to your right to see two mobile toilets next to each other. All you have to do is shoot the one further to the left to kill the enemy inside, which will allow you to unlock the “A shitty death!” achievement trophy. from Modern Warfare 2. Do it before one of your teammates does it for you. It's obviously useless, but it's fun to know that one of your enemies had an urge at the time!