After a first long weekend that allowed PlayStation players to get a glimpse of the upcoming Call of Duty online multiplayer, the teams at Infinity Ward are preparing to open the Modern Warfare 2 servers to more people. of players allowing in particular those who are on Xbox and PC to also take advantage of it during a second weekend which will start in early access from September 22 at 19 p.m.
Many people are currently wondering if levels (operator ranks), weapon progression, and general stats will carry over & transfer to the full game upon release on October 28th. If you're one of the players wondering about this, here's what you need to know about how the Modern Warfare open beta will unfold and what you'll keep at the end, because yes, things can be picked up when the game launches. next Call of Duty.
☆ Note – The Infinity Ward teams have taken stock of this first test weekend. Several things stand out after the players return and are taken into consideration by the development team. Check out the upcoming changes here: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 What To Expect With The Second Open Beta Weekend.
Do we save our Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 open beta progress when the game is released:
Bad news, the progress will not be kept, all the statistics and everything you have unlocked during the various phases of trials of the online multiplayer of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 will be purely and simply deleted. But wait, you need to know something else. By playing through the different Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 trial weekends, you will still be able to obtain rewards that you will keep at the game's release, including two weapon blueprints and an operator skin! Here is the full list of rewards you can get for the endgame by playing the Modern Warfare 2 beta, there are a total of 10 rewards to unlock.
Rewards to unlock by playing during the first week of beta:
- "Exploded" animated emblem that unlocks at Operator Rank 2.
- "Well Attached" lucky charm that is unlocked at operator rank 4.
- Animated “Test Passed” Agent Card that unlocks at Operator Rank 6.
- "Operation First Blood" sticker that unlocks at Operator Rank 10.
- "Side Collision" weapon blueprint that unlocks at Operator Rank 15.
Rewards to unlock by playing during the second week of beta:
- “Collision” Operator skin that unlocks at Operator Rank 18.
- "No Competition" vinyl that unlocks at Operator Rank 19.
- "Safety First" decal that unlocks at Operator Rank 21.
- “Toe to the Ground” vehicle skin that unlocks at Operator Rank 26.
- "Head-on Collision" weapon blueprint that unlocks at Operator Rank 30.
For those who are wondering how to get the rewards of the first week starting to play from the second week, it's simple, you will start at operator rank 1. You just have to play until you reach rank 30 in order to get all the promised rewards that you will then find in your armory in multiplayer when Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 officially releases on October 28, 2022.