Clash Royale - Elite Barbarian Decks

Clash Royale - Elite Barbarian DecksClash Royale - Elite Barbarian Decks

Elite Barbarians, Deck, Clash Royale, CR, Cards

Here are some deck ideas for playing the brand new elite Barbarians card in Clash Royale.

Arrived on Clash Royale on November 25, the Elite Barbarians were not unanimous but are quite playable, including in Legendary Arena. For those who are tempted to use this card, here are some decks in which it can find its place.

Elite Barbarians

mega gargoyle


three musketeers

The log



Hell Tower

This deck is pretty versatile, it doesn't put too much emphasis on offense like some others can. The Tower of Hell can protect you from enemy attacks. The Three Musketeers can also make you benefit from their immense potential, provided you use them well. This card can notably provide wonderful support to your elite Barbarians.

Elite Barbarians

goblin hut

ice wizard


The log

Goblin Barrel


Spear Goblins

This deck is resolutely offensive, between the Miner, the Goblin Barrel and the elite Barbarians, your opponent will no longer know where to turn. Especially since, to top it off, he will also have to manage the Goblins with spears that will appear regularly. It will however be necessary to be wary, the defense here is not very impressive.

Elite Barbarians

mega gargoyle

Pig Rider

Ice Golem

The log

tomb stone



Here everything is based on the association of the Hog Rider and the elite Barbarians who, together, can carry out a formidable push. Your other units will mainly serve as support or defense for when it is needed.

Elite Barbarians

mega gargoyle



The log

Ice Golem



Although it is also very aggressive, this deck nevertheless integrates the Cannon to defend itself. It's not necessarily the most effective, but it's better than nothing. Coupled with the Archers and the Mega Gargoyle this may be enough. Regarding the attack, Miner, Elite Barbarians and Graveyard will be a nightmare for enemy towers.

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