Bunkers in Call of Duty Modern Warfare are used to acquire rare and powerful pieces of loot in Warzone mode. There are indeed chests full to bursting with various equipment and weapons. These bunkers (also including simple huts) are scattered around the map and are accessible to anyone with the necessary equipment. Sometimes you need a red access card or an 8-digit combination. Bunkers were created as part of Season 5 and have a connection to the upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War coming later this year on PC, current-gen consoles and the new Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X What interests us in this guide are the doors locked by a code. We suggest that you find the following 6 codes that open bunkers and huts in Warzone mode. Discover the locations of these bunkers and the codes following this guide and unlock the secrets hidden there.
CoD Warzone Map Bunkers and Shacks Code List:
Below, the list of codes to use when you are in front of a door of a solidly closed bunker or a hut requiring a combination. Below is a map of the game with the location of these bunkers and huts.
- Bunker 1 = 87624851
- Bunker 2 = 97264138
- Bunker 3 = 60274513
- Hut 1 = 27495810
- Hut 2 = 72948531
- Room = 49285163
The CoD Warzone map with bunker / code shack locations:
Be careful, by going to one of these places, you have every chance of coming across other players, most of whom will be hostile and will shoot on sight. If you are lucky, you will sometimes come across players who are not looking for combat and who, like you, are simply looking to enter the combination to open the doors of bunkers and cabins. Join them in this case to loot the loot... At least the time to open the door... Never turn your back on your opponents!